Test repo for practicing mermaid js
flowchart TD
A([Start]) --> B[Landing Page]
B --> C{Have an account?}
C --> |No| K[Sign up]
C -->|Yes| D[Login]
D ---> E{Valid?}
E --> |Yes| F[Logged In]
F --> G([End])
E --> |No| H{Forgot Your password?}
H --> |Yes| I[Mail with password reset]
I --> J[User Chooses new password]
K --> L[User fills form]
L --> M{Data Valid?}
M --> |Yes| N[Mail with activation link]
N --> O[User activates account]
O --> F
M --> |No| P[Display ''Data is invalid'']
P --> K
J --> D
H --> |No| D
box Purple Client-Side
participant Mobile
actor User
participant Interface
box DarkGrey Server-side
participant Database
%% Prompt user for password
Interface->>+User: What is the password?
User->>+Interface: User Enters Password
Interface->>+Database: Retrieve User Record
%% Password validation decision point
alt Password Match
Database-->>Interface: Password Match
Interface->>Mobile: Send Code
Mobile-->>User: Code
User->>Interface: User Enters Code
%% Code validation decision point
alt Code Match
Database-->>Interface: Code Match
Interface-->>User: Authenticated
else Code Mismatch
Database-->>Interface: Mismatch
Interface-->>User: Not Authenticated
else Password Mismatch
Database-->>Interface: Mismatch
Interface-->>User: Not Authenticated
Person <|-- Student
Person <|-- Professor
Person : +String name
Person : +String phoneNumber
Person : +String emailAddress
Person: +purchaseParkingPass()
Person "0...1" --> "1"Address: lives at
class Address{
+String street
+String city
+String state
+int postalCode
+String country
-bool validate()
+String outputAsLabel()
class Professor{
/int salary
#int staffNumber
-int yearsOfService
+int numberOfClasses
class Student {
+int studentNumber
+int avergaeMark
+bool isEligibleToEnroll (String)
+int getSeminarsTaken()
Professor "1...5" --> "0..*"Student: supervises
state H <<choice>>
[*] --> A
A: Insert ATM Card
A --> B
B: Enter PIN
B --> C: Valid
C: Choose Transaction
B --> D: Invalid
D: Terminate Transaction
D --> [*]
D --> A
C --> G: Check Balance
G: Another operation
G --> H
H --> C: Yes
H --> D : No
C --> I : Deposit
C --> I: Withdraw
I: Perform Operation
I --> J
J: Update Account
J --> H
graph TD
B[an <b>important</b> <a href='http://google.com'>link</a>]
flowchart LR
click A callback "Tooltip for a callback"
click B "http://www.github.com" "This is a tooltip for a link" _blank
click A call callback() "Tooltip for a callback"
click B href "http://www.github.com" "This is a tooltip for a link" _blank