This repository contains the tests for exponential decay when constraints are applied and the implementation of the examples in the paper "Exponential Concentration in Stochastic Approximation" (
Examples include a circle constraint problem, a three-spherical constraints problem, a non-negative ridge regression, a 2 variables linear programming problem, a 50 variables probability simplex problem, a multi-armed bandit problem, a three-state two-action Markov decision process, and a more complicated Markov decision process - the Blackjack problem introduced in Sutton and Barto (2018).
Before runing any code, create a folder under the current position named 'Figures' to save figures.
Projections applied:
For the probability simplex problem and the multi-armed bandit problem, the L1-projection algorithm ( is applied. This algorithm has been rewritten in Python and is involved in this repository.
For the linear programming, multi-armed bandit and MDP problems, Polyhedron Manipulation in Python (pypoman) package ( and cvxopt ( are applied. Install the packages first.
In particular, the Blackjack problem is constructed based on the OpenAI gym. Install the gym package before running the files in Blackjack.