- ML Training pipeline to train the pre-trained CNN to classify 3 different car brands.
- Inference Script to run the prediction on a random picture from a given URLs and provide their matching probabilities on each of the brands
- Classification model, returns the most similar image to sample S from the training data set for a given a random sample S
conda env update --file environment.yaml
source activate car_brand
pip install -r requirements.txt
Automated web scraping script to downloads the data from the google
cd utils/
python data_scraper.py ---car-brand audi
Once the images are downloaded, split the train, val. test data set as mentioned below.
Project directory tree should be look like this:
├── /data
│ ├── test
│ │ ├── audi
│ │ ├── benz
│ │ └── bmw
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── audi
│ │ ├── benz
│ │ └── bmw
│ └── val
│ ├── audi
│ ├── benz
│ └── bmw
├── /inference_data
├── /output
├── /utils
│ |── driver
│ | └── geckodriver
│ └── data_scraper.py
├── /config.json
├── /model_interface.ipynb
└── /model_training.ipynb
Open this in jupyter notebook to train the model.
Script Functionalities-
- Loads the dataset according the data split
- Build model
- Train model
- Save model
- Test prediction
- convert the H5 to pb file
model_inference .ipynb
Script Functionalities-
- Downloads the random picture from the given URls
- Loads the data and saved H5 model
- Inference on random downloaded test samples
- Returns the most similar image to sample S from the training data set
Sr. No | Model | Model Size | epochs | optimizer | train Acc | Val ACC |
1 | MobileNet2 | 14 MB | 30 | Adam | 70.05 | 84.38 |
2 | ResNet50 | 98 MB | 30 | Adam | 34.47 | 39.58 |
- Sharat Gujamagadi
- Sharat Gujamagadi (sharatcg7@gmail.com)