This project was generated with Python CLI version 3.8.10
Victor Shaviya
Moringa School Core(Python) Student.
This project is all about building an amazing application that will help users manage their passwords and even generate new passwords for them.
The user should be able to:
- Create a password locker account with their details, a login username and password.
- Store their already existing account credentials in the application.
- Create new account credentials in the application.
- Have the option of putting in a password that they want to use for the new credential account.
- View their various account credentials and their passwords in the application.
- Delete a credentials account that they no longer need in the application.
The project was deployed to GitHub pages for publication.
To view the project's live site.
- Open Terminal {Ctrl+Alt+T}
- git clone passwordLocker
- cd passwordLocker
- code . or atom . based on the text editor you have.
To run the application, open the cloned file in terminal and run the following commands:
$ chmod +x
$ ./
To run test for the application:
$ python3
- python3.8.10
© Victor Shaviya,
Moringa School Independent Project.