This is a flake for the Zen browser. Now with auto updating! We check for a new version hourly, so should always have the latest availabe.
Just add it to your NixOS flake.nix
or home-manager:
inputs = {
zen-browser.url = "github:Sheemap/zen-browser-flake";
Reference the package later
Build and run!
This flake exposes a package for x86_64 and aarch64. The package is simply a wrapper around the AppImage that's published by zen themselves
To build it yourself
nix build .#default
# Or
nix build .#
Run this command to build the flake and run instantly.
nix run github:Sheemap/zen-browser-flake
This flake is primarily just for my own use, and no guarantees I will maintain it long term, but Ive been using Zen pretty consistently for a while, and will likely keeping this flake relatively up to date.
If you find this out of date, or youd just like to raise some other question, feel free to open a PR or an issue!