A calendar with all my talks, past and future
The objective of this repo is to consolidate in a single place all my participations at conferences, meetups and events in general. This calendar formation was forked with no shame from Daniela Petruzalek but with respect and admiration!
Please, if you meet with me at one those places, do not be shy, I am "speaker type" person! and I always carry with me a lot of stickers, please, ask for some!
The events are organized in reverse chronological order.
Date | Event | Talk | Video or Slides |
Date | Event | Talk | Video or Slides |
April 2023 | Oracle CloudWorld Tour São Paulo | Application Modernization | |
March 2023 | DevTestsBR Meetup | Mulheres no Mercado de TI e os layoffs |
Date | Event | Talk | Video or Slides |
Aug 2022 | GopherCon UK | The drunk Gopher’s Walk: A talk about fuzzy. |
Date | Event | Talk | Video or Slides |
February 11th | DEVOPSEXTREME | AIOps a filha moderninha da Skynet. | Docs |
March 24th | ORACLE ROOM - TDC INNOVATION Docs | TrackHost | |
Jun 6th | THE DEVELOPERS CONF - GO TRACK | Analytics e Golang SDK na OCI - Fazendo o inimaginável | |
Jun 7th | ORACLE ROOM - TDC CONNECTIONS | TrackHost | |
Jun 8th | ML AND AI TRACK - TDC CONNECTIONS | Qual o futuro quando falamos em Ética e Responsabilidade em IA? | |
Date | Event | Talk | Video or Slides |
February 2th | FOSDEM | Classify things in Go: the easy way. Building classifiers quickly with the community contributions. | Slide Presentation |
April 18th | LINUXTIPS | Classify things in Go: the easy way. Building classifiers quickly with the community contributions. | Slide Presentation |
Date | Event | Talk | Video or Slides |
November 10th | DevFEST-BH | Visão Computacional usando o pacote GoCV | https://speakerdeck.com/wdrwoman/visao-computacional-usando-o-pacote-gocv |
November 17th | WoMakersCode - Florianopolis/SC | KEYNOTE A Importancia dos Iniciantes no Desenvolvimento de Software | https://speakerdeck.com/wdrwoman/a-importancia-dos-primeiros-passos-no-desenvolvimento-de-software |
October 24th | First Porto Alegre Golang MeetUp | Go for Beginners | https://speakerdeck.com/wdrwoman/go-for-begineers |
September 27th | GopherCon Brazil Lightning Talks | Importancia dos Iniciantes na Comunidade Go |