This VIM settings is newest for my MacOSX, I usually use my VIM to write some Golang, Python, Markdown, C/C++, etc. It use vim-plug replace to the vundle to manage the plugins. Replaced many old plugins with new plugin which are more suitable in VIM-8 And remove some plugin which I dose not usually use.
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Oct 15 2019 10:20:59) macOS version
brew install cmake macvim pygments global cppcheck prettier
brew unlink ctags && brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags
sudo pip install isort yapf flake8 autopep8 pylint
use vim-plug manage plugins: the .vimrc
will automatic download the vim-plug
- nerdtree A tree explorer plugin for vim.
- nerdcommenter Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting
- vim-airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
- vim-surround quoting/parenthesizing made simple
- vim-startify A fancy start screen for Vim
- vim-json-line-format format json line
- vim-signify Show a diff using Vim its sign column.
- favorite-vim-colorscheme Tomorrow night bright color scheme
- vim-table-mode VIM Table Mode for instant table creation.
- vim-go Go development plugin for Vim
- rainbow_parentheses.vim Better Rainbow Parentheses.
- vim-coloresque css/less/sass/html color preview for vim.
- asyncrun.vim Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to Quickfix Window.
- vim-json-line-format format json line in Vim.
- vim-visual-multi Multiple cursors project for vim/neovim.
- vim-airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.
- LeaderF An asynchronous fuzzy finder which is used to quickly locate files, buffers,mrus, tags, etc. in large project
- YouCompleteMe A code-completion engine for Vim.
- vim-gutentags A Vim plugin that manages your tag files.
- gutentags_plus The right way to use gtags with gutentags.
- ale Check syntax in Vim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support.
- echodoc.vim Print documents in echo area.
- vimwiki Personal Wiki for Vim
- vim-snippets vim-snipmate default snippets
- UltiSnips The ultimate snippet solution for Vim
- auto-pairs Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.
- calendar.vim A calendar application for Vim
- killersheep Silly game for Vim 8.2
- vim-plugin-random-colorscheme-picker Pick the VIM colorscheme that you are destined to be with.:)
- change buf:
- open a new tab:
- change tab:
- copy (all/selected) content:
- write RO file:
- line number toggle:
- nerdtree toggle:
- function list:
- run python script:
- paste toggle:
- lint fix:
- format current json content:
- Automatically wrap spaces for English words and numbers in Chinese:
- wrap
for a word:<leader>w"
- uppercase/lowercase toggle with a
- delete current letter and toggle uppercase/lowercase:
- continue indent text to left or right on select/normal mode:
- switch window:
- resize window:
- close quickfix window:
- find files:
- find mru files:
- complete python code:
- format json line:
- change surround:
- del surround:
- comment/uncomment:
- table mode:
- build gofile:
- run gofile:
- run go test:
- code complete:
- write vimwiki:
- expand snips:
- change random colorscheme:
- no backup and swap file
- correct encoding for chinese
- beautiful statusline and startify
- auto reload vimrc when it is changed
- highlight and ignorecase for search text
- support using mouse
- auto remove whitespace which at the line tail and blank line at the latest
- show content in terminal when exit the vim
- open a file at the latest change position
- auto check syntax
- one key to fix linter check
- run python script with virtualenv if there is a
(open script with virtualenv in terminal) - auto complete the code
- show git diff in vim
- multiple cursors for editing
- use tomorrow-night-bright color scheme
- color preview for .css files
- auto format markdown tables in table mode
- auto choice random colorscheme, use
can change the theme,:Hate
to let the colorscheme be used again
some pics are old, don't trust them...
default open a python file
next pics come from the plugin projects
json line format(I am the author 😳)
use vim-plug, just need copy .vimrc
to your HOME path and run :PlugInstall
in vim.