Application Setup (DO THIS FIRST)
- Fork this repository into your GitHub account (You can create a GitHub account if you don't have one)
- Clone the repository from your repository.
- Run the project, ensure project run without any problem.
- 5 minutes - setup
- 30 minutes - coding test
- create a CRUD API based on the following Criteria(s)
- Create a branch "test-[Selected-criteria]" from Master branch.
- branch out to proceed with another criteria and follow step 2.
- Upon completion merge every branch into Master branch.
- Company managing teen idol, requires you to create system capable to handle idols information.
- the information are as following:
- idol personal information
- schedule
- revenues
- status
- Database Integration
Service-oriented architecture
- intercept outgoing connection
- microservice architecture
- Fetch JSON from this URL (
Exception handling
- Custom exception handler
Software design pattern
- mvc architecture
Unit Test Automation
- create a function fetch random idol from personal info table.
- create a unit test for this function (condition: failed if the idol is in-active)
- better performance