A list of the content below. I wanna give thanks to a couple users that support on this project.
- Usage
- Objective
- Board management
This board is made for a domestic enviroment, industrial enviroments or outsiders will not be on danger, possible fatal error occur on those enviroments.
Follow the instructions, and connect the device to your phone :)
Step one -> Create an account in Arduino Cloud.
Step two -> Create a dashboard project
Step three -> Install Arduino Create Agent
Step four -> Connect your board to Arduino Cloud
Step five -> Connect the board to internet
Step six -> Edit variables for your usage
Step seven -> You're nearly done. Just few steps more. Now edit the code a little to receive an output.
Step eight -> You're done, if you do the steps correctly. This is not very accurate. Now the last step is test it, download the arduino cloud in your phone and log in.