apsimx: R package for APSIM-X
This package allows for interaction with APSIM-X ("Next Generation") and/or APSIM 'Classic' (7.10). It can inspect, edit, run and read APSIM files in both platforms. The format is JSON for APSIM-X and XML for 'Classic'.
Package requirements:
Other R packages: DBI, jsonlite, knitr, RSQLite, xml2
and/or APSIM (7.x) 'Classic'
The new APSIM uses the mono framework to run on Mac and Linux (Debian). Mono should be installed first (in Mac and Linux).
Mono framework download: https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/
APSIMX download: https://www.apsim.info/download-apsim/
If you need other R packages to interact with the previous version(s) of APSIM (7.x) try 'APSIM' and 'apsimr'. This package does not fully replace the functionality in those packages. It does have similar functions as in 'apsimr', but they are completely re-written.
If you want to install this package from github try in R:
or the lightweight 'remotes' package
It is not necessary to build the vignettes as they are also at: https://femiguez.github.io/apsimx-docs/
Note: Building the vignettes does not require the presence of APSIM-X as I have recently eliminated the APSIM-X runs in it.
Still, if you want to build the vignettes then use this instead of the second line above:
devtools::install_github("femiguez/apsimx", build_vignettes = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"))
If you do build the vignettes, there is an introduction to the package
and a document which might help you build your own scripts either in R or other languages
If you have any questions contact Fernando E. Miguez (femiguez at iastate.edu)