- Copy all the contents from this repository.
- Copy all files and directories to the htdocs directory inside xampp (for example: C:\xampp\htdocs\CMSC127-MP1-Yao_SJ), where "CMSC127-MP1-Yao_SJ" will contain all of the files.
- Import the database [thirdyear_courses.sql] in phpmyadmin or directly embed it into your MySQL database through the command prompt (refer to this link on how - https://www.warp.dev/terminus/mysql-import-sql-file).
- Open your XAMPP Panel and make sure to start your APACHE and MySQL 'Modules' under 'Actions' (refer to this link, if you do not have XAMPP, yet - https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html)
- Open any browser, enter localhost, and browse the file location on the search bar. (i.e. localhost/CMSC127-MP1-Yao_SJ)
- Teacher
- Student (Year III - UP)
- Front-End
- Back-End
- PHP, JavaScript
- Database
- File Processing and Database Systems
- Web Development
- The sample login credentials for the ADMINs and Teachers can be found in the technical documentation below.
- Being that this is a simulator only, the purpose of the actual software is just for user experience and testing, and in no way will the content of this simulator reflect directly into the actual enrollment process of UP.
- Link to Technical Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UmMTqGqG0SKCEU7dPCbixWoitZH9PSFK/view?usp=drive_link
- Link to Database Schema: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zrJf48_vlxLAnxr5P-0UKBz2czxcGwyx/view?usp=drive_link