Headers below
I want to link to a few different things Google including briscoes but then link to google again for Searching
images below
Below add the block of text as a blockquote
"Hey today I played a bunch of nopixel, woo."
But with multiple lines make sure to use more carets
Today i just wanted to show you all this in a blockquote.
I hope it has been a great day for you.
Quentin Gray
Lists(Italics, Bold and links work)
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Numbered List starting with one
- Next one two
- Three
- Fourth and so on, looks pretty normal
- Weekends
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Weekdays
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Crack three eggs over a bowl.
Now, you're going to want to crack the eggs in such a way that you don't make a mess.
If you do make a mess, use a towel to clean it up!
- Pour a gallon of milk into the bowl.
Basically, take the same guidance as above: don't be messy, but if you are, clean it up!
Rub the salmon vigorously with butter.
By "vigorous," we mean a strictly vertical motion. Julia Child once quipped:
Up and down and all around, that's how butter on salmon goes.
Drop the salmon into the egg-milk bowl.
Here are some techniques on salmon-dropping:
- Make sure no trout or children are present
- Use both hands
- Always have a towel nearby in case of messes
Cut the cheese
Make sure that the cheese is cut into little triangles.
- Slice the tomatoes
Be careful when holding the knife.
For more help on tomato slicing, see Thomas Jefferson's seminal essay Tom Ate Those.
Visually this is a hard break by adding a space
but if you want a softbreak add two spaces after each line in a paragraph (you can't see it)