In this dapp we have created our own cryptocurrency named 'BigCoin' and deployed into our own private ethereum blockchain network.
- This dapp is created using Truffle framework (under the hood it uses Web3).
- Used Truffle framework to create, complie & deploy smart contracts quickly.
- Used Web3 libraries to create REST endpoints (Web3 libraries allow you to interact with a ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket)
- Created ERC20 based smart contracts using OpenZeppelin library.
- DID NOT use any Web3 provider such as MetaMask or Infura as we use our own full nodes (our own private blockchain network rather any public blockchain network)!
Step1: Make sure your ethereum blockchain network is up & running
Step2: Clone this project & install dependencies
git clone
npm install
Step3: Update the files (truffle-config.js, app/server.js files) by updating your blockchain bootstrap node URL, Port and blockchain networkId
Step4: Deploy smart contract (BigCoin.sol) into your blockchain network using following commands
You can delete /build folder and do fresh build with command 'truffle compile'
truffle compile
To run the test cases
truffle test
To deploy smart contracts to your blockchain network
truffle migrate
Step5: Start the express app (having REST endpoints and static web resources)
npm start
Step6: Done you can access dapp with URL http://localhost:3000/ or you can access REST endpoints via Postman
API: /api/accounts
Description: It fetch all accounts of the bootnode
Method: GET
RequestBody: None
API: /api/accounts/:number
Description: It fetch a account by number
Method: GET
RequestBody: account
API: /api/new/account
Description: It creates a new account
Method: POST
RequestBody: None
API: /api/send/coin
Description: It sends bigcoins from an account to another account
Method: POST
RequestBody: { "amount": "3", "sender": "0xb626B44E82eE5a54b2F64B5BcE70Ee6fbC7C32d5", "receiver": "0x02704FdC1dbBe97A39961952464Be9881c8849A8" }
API: /api/balance
Description: It fetch an account balance
Method: GET
RequestBody: { "account" : "0x02704FdC1dbBe97A39961952464Be9881c8849A8" }
Note: Similarly you can create many REST endpoints for your smart contracts and JSON-RPC APIs as per your business needs !
Free Software, by Siraj Chaudhary