A fast and (almost) garbage free debug overlay for Unity. The projects contains two primary components: a debug overlay and a console.
Garbage production is minimized by not really using strings a lot and by having convenience functions that mimick string
formatting (using format strings like "This: {0}"
) known from C#. Rendering happens through the magic of a few procedural draw calls
and is quite fast.
The debug overlay is useful for displaying text and graphs that update every frame. Like this:
This can be done with some level of convenience using this code:
// FPS in top left corner
DebugOverlay.Write(1, 0, "FPS:{0,6:###.##}", 1.0f / Time.deltaTime);
// Small graph of FPS below
fpsHistory[Time.frameCount % fpsHistory.Length] = 1.0f / Time.deltaTime;
DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(1, 1, 9, 1.5f, fpsHistory, Time.frameCount % fpsHistory.Length, Color.green);
Even though it looks like regular string formatting, no garbage will be generated.
The console is useful for checking logs / output while ingame and also for easily registrering commands that can be used to tweak the game behaviour or turn on/off debugging aspects.
You can write
// Register quit command
Console.Instance.AddCommand("quit", CmdQuit, "Quit game");
/* ... */
void CmdQuit(string[] args)
and it will work like this: