Fixed give command giving broken slimes
Added extra methods for registering enum values
Added more fallbacks to the EnumTranslator
Added translations to the Error GUI, as well as the Mods button
Added a method for adding custom Error GUI translations to the TranslationPatcher
Added extra methods to ModEntryPoint
Reload, which runs when the config reloads
Unload, which runs when the application is quitting
Update, FixedUpdate, and LateUpdate, which all run during their respective Unity update steps
Fixed runtime prefabs being a mess most of the time
Added various new ways to categorize Identifiable and Gadget ids
Added a chroma registry to register custom chroma packs easier
Fixed bug where custom chroma packs would break when removed
Added an exchange registry to register custom ranchers and exchange offers
Added a foodgroup registry to register foods into foodgroups easier
Added automatic food group categorization for modded identifiables, which categorizes after PreLoad
Fixed issues with the LandPlotRegistry and LandPlotUpgradeRegistry
Fixed several instances where registry methods would show a warning about creating a ScriptableObject
Added a snare registry to add items to a gordo snare easier
Fixed bug where, in certain circumstances, closing a UI with a custom close event would throw an error
Added OnZoneEntered callback to SRCallbacks
Fixed bug where custom savedata would sometimes carry over to new saves
Heavily optimized the SlimeRegistry
Added a Secret Style registry, to easier register Secret Styles
Added a targeting registry, to easier change and add things to the TargetingUI
Added the ability to easier make main menu buttons with translations, and empty GUI windows with translations
Added tons of miscellaneous extension methods and utils
Extended the debug system to show more info
Fixed bug where debug mode would throw errors when you're not looking at anything
Updated Harmony version to 2.2.1
Added the ability to display mod names in the console
Due to this change being very resource intensive otherwise, a change was made to console logging. A ModEntryPoint has a ConsoleInstance property now.
Improved the dependency system to use objects instead of a list of strings. It's more readable that way.
Added more enum-related functions.
Added more default enum fallbacks.
Added code to disable the sentry system when SRML is loaded
Because of this, the bug reporting system is disabled, although it shouldn't be enabled anyways.
Overhauled the binding registry so that it actually works, alongside allowing the addition of gamepad bindings.
Added a Corporate Partner registry in order to add or modify 7Zee rewards levels.
Added a fashion registry for registering slots and offsets.
Added a callback for buying a new 7Zee reward level.
Added a system to allow slimes to pass on ExtendedData to objects they transform into
Integrated largo library
Overhauled the mods menu to be in the game's style, as well as give extra information.
Added more points of interest to debug mode
Added AchievementRegistry for registering achievements and achievement tiers.
Fixed bug where market prices would break when more than 22 items were registered
Added button to show overflow prices
Added config option to remove button that shows overflow prices
Added a method to SlimeDefinition to add a permanent EatMap entry to a slime's diet
Added extra methods to TranslationPatcher to create translations for more bundles
Publicized the current loading step in SRModLoader
Added RegionSetRegistry for registering a region tree and registering zones into region trees
Added a scrollbar to the 7Zee Rewards UI
Added a UMF compatibility patch to the SRML installer.
Added the ability to run multiple commands in one line, via separating with semi-colons (e.g., give PINK_SLIME;give CUBERRY_FRUIT)
Currently, autocomplete does not work with this. This will be addressed in a future update.
Fixed other bugs. A lot of bugs.
You can’t perform that action at this time.