Hello Everyone!
This is our IBM HACK CHALLENGE 2020 Project.
We have created a prototype for an AI recruiter to make the shortlisting of candidates for a specific job easier.
We have used the applications and services of IBM CLoud to build our project. Our project uses Watson Assistant to create chatbots, Node red to create the user interface, and Cloudant to store the credentials.
We have also uploaded a demo video(link given below).
To view the project follow the steps below(in IBM Cloud):
Step 1: Import the UI_FLOW.json and Answers.json files to your node-red editor.
Step 2: Create an assitant named Job Application in Watson Assistant.
Step 3: Import the skill-Job-Application.json file to your dialog skill.
Step 4: Repeat the same for skill-Knockout-Questions.json file.
Step 5: Update the Watson Assistant and cloudant credentials in UI_FLOW.json and Answers.json files and deploy.
Step 6: Inject all the inject nodes in the Answers.json file in order to save the answers in the database.
Step 7: Inject the first inject node in UI_FLOW.json file.
Step 8: Follow the demo video.
DEMO VIDEO: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DELUnNKxBR_ybHWb8WXdWYQ_O6bF32mz/view?usp=sharing