A simple Twig extension to provide rendering functions for the PHP Debug Bar. This extension loads the StandardDebugBar and provides the functions dbg_message, dbg_renderHead, and dbg_render for Twig.
composer require smtgr14/twig-debugbar
$twig = new Twig_Environment(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('Views'));
$debugbarExtn = $debugbarExtn = new Dougfelton\TwigDebugBar\Extension('/Path'); // Relative assets path to your web directory e.g. /assets/debug/
$debugbar = $debugbarExtn->getDebugBar(); // Returns DebugBar for use with normal debugbar operations.
{{ dbg_renderHead() }}
<!-- array dump -->
{{ dbg_message(array)|raw }}
<!-- labeled message -->
{{ dbg_message('Something Wrong', 'error')|raw }}
{{ dbg_render()|raw }}
This extension is a minor update (for compatibility with Twig v2) of Mark Arneman's extension found here and the changes made by Doug Felton.
My work was minimal, and if you find this extension useful the credit goes to Mark and Doug.
All I added was the getDebugBar method to return the object to make the bar useful outside of just the template rendering and message methods.