Releases: SonarSonic/DrawingBotV3
Releases · SonarSonic/DrawingBotV3
- Added: 'Split drawings by travel' for exporting multiple files split by pen-down distance, can be configured in File / Preferences / Export Settings / Path Optimisation
- Added: 'Allow multiple moves in exported paths' option to allow multiple path moves in exported vector paths, allows for better compatibility with other software e.g. Cricut Design Space, can be configured in File / Preferences / Export Settings / Path Optimisation
- Improved: SVG Loading / SVG Converter to allow loading of invalid / malformed SVG files, the majority of SVGs will now load successfully
- Improved: Tweaked default pen settings column sizing to show full hex values
- Fixed: The application not starting when the recent projects file is corrupted/empty
- Added: Windows Code Signing, removes Unknown Publisher warnings
- Fixed: Batch Processing not starting, 'sourceImage' is null
- Fixed: SVG Converter not filling some shapes, where negative scaling is applied
- Added: 'Directional Dashes' preset to Streamlines Edge Field
- Added: 'Sketchy Freehand', 'ECS Curves', 'Digital Layers', 'Messy Curves' presets to Layers PFM
- Fixed: Export per/pen in Batch Processing not producing an output
- Fixed: Mosaic PFMs & Layers PFM not responding to stop requests
- Fixed: Gigantic project files with versions data prior to v1.6.17 will now have unnecessary data removed when re-opened + re-saved
- Fixed: Selecting different PFMs in Mosaic PFMs will now respond to changes and keep the correct PFMs name
- Fixed: Reloading SVG projects would overwrite previously saved settings
- Fixed: Rescaling SVG masks would result in inconsistent scaling once the mask was moved
- Fixed: Zoom behaviour while hovering the mouse over a mask.
- Fixed: Pen selection check boxes not updating after the drawing set is changed
- Improved: Initial directory location when re-locating missing source images, use either the images original location, the projects location or last import directory
- Improved: Added 'Reloading Drawing: Complete' message when reloading projects, to indicate the process is complete
- Fixed: Canvas positioning after pressing reset on macOS
- Added: macOS .pkg files are now available natively for Apple Silicon, download the correct .pkg for your system for the best performance!
- Fixed: Mask creation when using the 'draw' tool
- Fixed: Duplicate vertices appearing when editing mask
- Fixed: Colour Match OpenCL acceleration on Windows machines with integrated graphics
- Changed: Build names will now include the target architecture e.g. "aarch64", "x86-64" etc.
- Changed: Removed old Aparapi dependency from the free version.
- Added: File / Open Recent Menu, which shows the 15 most recently opened/saved projects
- Added: Save project alert when closing the application or an individual project
- Added: Close Project and Close All Projects shortcuts to File Menu
- Added: Option to disable HPGL Buffer checks in HPGL preferences, fixes compatibility with some plotters
- Fixed: Crash on load when OpenCL is not present on Windows operating systems
- Fixed: Compatibility with running in Virtual Machines
- Fixed: PFM Settings not loading properly when projects are re-opened
- Fixed: Saved projects having large files sizes when multiple project versions are present
- Fixed: Drawing Area padding not being applied properly when running Batch Processing mode
- Fixed: Blend modes acting inconsistently when exporting images
- Fixed: Advanced preferences not saving and reloading properly
- Fixed: PFMs re-running when switching project when Auto Run PFM is enabled
- Fixed: Sketch Sweeping Curves exiting the image area in unnatural way / changed default curvature to 0
- Fixed: Mosaic styles window cut-off at the bottom
- Added: 'Area Calibration' PFM, used for checking the size of the plotters drawing area and adjusting margins
- Fixed: CMYK / Colour Match / Masking settings not saving / loading properly when saved in a project
- Fixed: Older projects not reloading properly in some situations
- Fixed: Viewport zoom resetting when a task is stopped, or when a task is completed
- Fixed: HPGL plotters not being detected with "Detect Plotter" when the serial port echoes the input
- Improved: Allow multi-threading when running tasks with Batch Processing
- Fixed: Preset creation/editing dialogs appearing blank on macOS
- Fixed: Prevent the Drawing Pen selection closing when a check-box is ticked.
- Fixed: Issues editing created presets on macOS
- Fixed: Loaded images, being prevented from being deleted in some situations.
- Fixed: Ruler overlays not matching the drawing when no image is loaded with original sizing enabled.
- Fixed: Files not saving in the correct location when exporting to a directory containing a "." on Linux.
- Added: 'Edge Trace' presets to Sketch PFMs, which utilise new 'Seed Type' setting, to create sketches which exaggerate edges and small details.
- Added: 'Seed Type' to Sketch PFMs, ability to seed lines from Luminance / Edges / Sobel data
- Added: Preset Manager - accessible via File/Preset Manager
- Re-order both user/system presets / change the default order of presets in menus
- Enable/Disable presets, prevent them from appearing in menus
- Edit presets with more detailed edit controls
- Import / Export multiple presets or all presets at once.
- Override in-built system presets with your own settings
- Added: HPGL Custom Codes for more advanced configuring of HPGL Files, configurable Start, End, Pen Up, Pen Down, Start Pen Layer, End Pen Layer
- Added: Additional GCode Wildcard, %PEN_ID% to allow more configurable tool changes
- Added: Individual setting search functionality in the Preferences UI with automatic yellow highlighting
- Improved: Viewport Rewrite: the main viewport has been re-written switching between OpenGL and JavaFX will now be more seamless and the canvas will be more responsive
- Improved: 'Circular Scribbles' PFMs have been re-written and now create smoother scribbles
- Improved: 'Hatch Sawtooth' PFM has been re-written it now creates more accurate results
- Improved: CPU/GPU Usage when idle, the program will consume less resources in general when running in the background
- Improved: Performance and responsiveness of the Hardware Accelerated Renderer
- Improved: Memory footprint and speed of Sketch PFMs
- Improved: Changes to Drawing Pen presets will be applied to existing Drawing Set presets when the pens match.
- Improved: Presets now must have unique identifiers, to allow for more advanced editing
- Improved: Simplified Batch Processing UX to allow easier editing of Input/Output Folders
- Improved: Presets, added additional notifications while editing presets
- Improved: Preferences now only save changes from default values, allowing defaults to be tweaked more easily in the future
- Improved: Hardware Accelerated Renderer, start time, memory usage and speed
- Improved: Speed of Pen Distribution re-calculations
- Improved: UX the settings panes on the left will grow to fill available space when no other panes are open
- Fixed: Added 'ocl-icd-opencl-dev' to linux dependencies, fixing "could not load" errors / the app failing to start on linux
- Fixed: Hatch Sawtooth producing incomplete lines when used in Mosaic Segments
- Fixed: CMYK + Streamlines stopping prematurely
- Fixed: Streamlines Edge Fields inconsistency with OpenCL enabled
- Fixed: PFM Layers not using Color Separation
- Fixed: Slow pen distribution when using composite PFMs
- Fixed: Roland DPX 3300 HPGL Preset
- Fixed: 'Mask Settings' missing from the 'View' menu
- Fixed: Menu Bar positioning with i3 Window Manager on Linux
- Fixed: Black flicker when first starting the OpenGL Hardware Accelerated Renderer
- Fixed: UI flickering / re-layout when opening the application
- Fixed: Potential memory leaks, eventual application slow down
- Added: SVG Converter - Support for SVG Gradients when Colour Match is enabled
- Added: Extra options for SVG Converter; 'Shape Outlines', 'Gradient Angle Match' and 'Gradient Colour Match'
- Added: 'Export Logs / Crash Reports' to the help menu, to simplify providing support / debugging
- Added: 'Switch to SVG Converter on SVG Import' option to SVG Preferences
- Improved: Reduced memory usage over application lifetime
- Improved: Speed of clipping when using Masks / SVG Converter
- Fixed: Crash on load when OpenCL Native Library is unavailable
- Fixed: OpenGL Renderer attempting to load on devices without OpenGL 3.3+ support.
- Fixed: SVG Converter - Using incorrect scaling in some situations
- Fixed: Export per/pens failing when the pen names contain special characters
- Fixed: SVG Converter - Shape clipping failing on complex SVGs
- Fixed: Freeze/hang when switching to cm/inches when the drawing width or height is 0.0
- Fixed: PFM not running when the drawing width/height is 0.0, now runs with default sizing: A4 paper
- Fixed: Occasional momentary hang after a PFM has finished processing
- Fixed: Renamed the Stabilo pen presets to match correct pen naming conventions / no special characters