Extracts or lists files from an uncompressed GameCube image (uncompressed gcm/iso). As this was originally written for "Harbor Masters 64" ports, it tries to extract a PAL OoT, PAL MQ or NTSC-U MM ROM by default. But it can also be used to extract any raw file from the gcm/iso by name or just list its file system.
Requires you to install .NET and Powershell on MacOS and Linux (untested, but should work).
Instead of starting the script the usual way, you can also Drag & Drop your rom on the included batch file to kickstart the automatic extraction.
There is also a C# port of this ported by xoascf (aka Amaro): https://github.com/xoascf/GCIE
GameCube image file to extract or list files from (uncompressed gcm/iso).
Extracts all files where their full name (path + name) matches this Regular Expression.
Lists all files in the image. "Object" sends the file infos as objects to the pipeline. "Text" and "Json" saves the infos as "FileList.txt" or "FileList.json".
C:\Users\Spodi\Documents\GitHub\GCIE-PS\GCIE-PS.ps1 [-fileIn] <String>
C:\Users\Spodi\Documents\GitHub\GCIE-PS\GCIE-PS.ps1 [-fileIn] <String> [-ListFiles] <String>
C:\Users\Spodi\Documents\GitHub\GCIE-PS\GCIE-PS.ps1 [-fileIn] <String> [-Extract] <String>