- 🌱 I’m currently learning Web3.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Automation.
- 💬 Ask me about GUI/UX/UI.
- 📫 How to reach me: srivastava57harsh@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: There is no place like
🎯 Github Streaks and Trophies 🏆 | 🏆 Harsh's Github Stats 🔭 |
🎯 Github Streaks and Trophies 🏆 | 🏆 Harsh's Github Stats 🔭 |
This Discord Moderation Bot is designed to automate server moderation tasks such as monitoring message content, managing user roles, and enforcing community guidelines. Built with Node.js and Disco…
SigmaStart is a project management tool built with TypeScript and Node.js, designed to streamline workflows and enhance team collaboration. It offers task tracking, project planning, and customiza…
TypeScript 3
Forked from ankit7241/modepay
ModePay is a decentralized payment platform built on the Mode blockchain. It allows users to make splits, directly pay friends, and manage transactions in a secure and efficient manner.
Forked from gitaalekhyapaul/skynet-monorepo
A monorepo containing all the components of the Skynet ecosystem