- This project focuses on Hate Speech Detection in Hinglish Tweets, a fusion of English and Hindi.
- Leveraging Bahadanau's attention mechanism in Transformer Models and also applying various embeddings, including Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, FastText on various Classical Machine Learning Algorithms and Deep Learning Models (CNN, LSTM, RNN, Bi-LSTM), the goal is to create robust models for identifying hate speech in a linguistically diverse dataset.
- Achieved 69% accuracy on the Hinglish Mixed Code Data using the Bahadanau's Attention Mechanism over just 15 epochs of training the model.
- Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed.
- Refer to the requirements.txt file for version details.
pip install -r requirements.txt
In this section, I include all the necessary dependencies needed to reproduce the project, so that the reader can install them before replicating the project. I categorize the long list of packages used as -
- General Purpose:
warnings, shutil, glob, tqdm, string, os
- Data Manipulation:
numpy, nlkt, pandas, gensim
- Data Visualization:
matplotlib, wordcloud
- Machine Learning:
keras, tensorflow, tensorflow_hub, sklearn
- Dataset Characteristics:
- Hinglish Tweets with English text but Hindi language elements.
- Hate speech tweets: 49%, Non-hate speech tweets: 51%.
- Preprocessing Steps:
- Regex-based cleaning to remove unwanted characters.
- Elimination of usernames, hashtags, URLs, and special characters.
- Word cloud analysis for insights into hate speech terms.
- Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, FastText:
- Applied to classical ML models (Logistic Regression, SVM, Random Forest).
- Integration into deep learning models (Conv1D, RNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM).
- Exploration of character n-gram models in FastText.
- Token and positional embeddings with multihead attention mechanism.
- Global Average Pooling, dropout, dense layers, and sigmoid activation.
- LSTM-based encoder and decoder architecture.
- Applied to hate speech detection.
- Attention mechanism integration using Bahadanau's method.
- Achieved a 69% accuracy on the test dataset.
- Initial Cleaning: Applied regex for removing unwanted characters. Usernames and Hashtags:
- Removed usernames and associated hashtags from tweets. URLs and Special Characters:
- Eliminated URLs and other special characters from the tweets. Tokenization:
- Split tweets into tokens based on spaces. Word2Vec Tokenization:
- Applied Word2Vec to the tokenized sentences in the dataset.
Tokenization and Splitting:
- Tokenized sentences and split the dataset into training and test sets. OOV Tokens Assignment:
- Provided out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens to the tokenizer, fitted it to the training dataset, and obtained tokens. Text to Sequences and Padding:
- Converted texts to sequences and added padding to accommodate the maximum length of sentences. Embedding Matrix Preparation:
- Prepared the embedding matrix for the Embedding layer by deciding the embedding dimensions and technique (e.g., Word2Vec).
- Created an embedding matrix of zeros with dimensions (length of vocab, chosen embedding dimension). Text into Sequences Conversion:
- Converted text into sequences. Neural Network Training:
- Trained Neural Networks (Conv1D, RNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM) on the processed dataset.
FastText Application in Models Character n-gram Models:
- Represented each word as a bag of character n-grams.
- Considered character n-grams of length 3 to 6 for each word.
1. Simple Transformer Models with Multihead Attention Mechanism
- Token and Positional Embeddings:
- Created token and positional embeddings for Transformer inputs.
- Transformer Model Layers Preparation:
- Prepared layers for the Transformer model with positional and token embeddings, along with attention in the Transformer block.
- Applied Global Average Pooling, dropout, dense layers, and a final dropout, followed by output through the sigmoid activation function.
2. Encoder-Decoder Architecture Transformer Models
- Encoder-Decoder Architecture:
- Applied an encoder-decoder architecture using LSTM in both the encoder and decoder.
- Used an embedding matrix generated from the Word2Vec model.
3. Encoder-Decoder Architecture with Bahadanau's Attention Mechanism
- Simple Attention Mechanism:
- Used Bahadanau's attention mechanism with a simple attention layer.
- Achieved an accuracy of 69% on the test dataset.
- By training for just over 15 epochs (approx 80 seconds per epoch), achieved 69% accuracy with the Encoder-Decoder Architecture using Bahadanau's Attention Mechanism on the Mixed Code Dataset of Hinglish Hate Speech Tweets
- Connect with the project creator:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/srivatsank01/
- Email: srivatsank.dl@gmail.com
- Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vIwFiwgAAAAJ&hl=en
For this github repository, the License used is MIT License.