This is an Express server that uses Firestore for database operations. It provides RESTful endpoints for performing CRUD operations on data stored in a Firestore database. It is meant for a mobile app called Stackage, a community-driven app connecting tech enthusiants allowing them to share ideas/resources/best practices.
Before you can use this server, you must have the following installed on your system:
Firebase CLI
You must also have a Firebase project set up with a Cloud Firestore instance.
To install the server, clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
Then, install the dependencies using npm:
npm install
To configure the server, you need to set up your Firebase project credentials in a .env file. You can use the .env.example file in the project as a template:
You can find your Firebase project credentials in the Firebase console under Project settings > Service accounts.
To start the server, run the following command:
npm run server
This will start the server on the port you specified.
The following endpoints are available:
GET /users/:uid: returns all user data for a specific user
GET /users/messages/:uid: returns the name and photo, meant for the messages component
GET /posts: returns recent posts with optional query params category and uid
POST /users/:uid: adds a new user to the db. uid usually given by google auth services.
POST /users/messages/:uid/:uid2: adds a message between 2 users to the db. only increments the notification of uid2
POST /posts: adds a new post to the db. default values are given for all neccessary info.
POST /posts/comments/postid: adds a new comment to a specific post.
PATCH /users/:uid: allows editing the user info for a specific user, such as: name, email, location, occupation, photoURL
PATCH /posts/like/:postid: increments the like counter for a specific post
PATCH /posts/dislike/:postid: increments the dislike counter for a specific post
DELETE /posts/:postid: allows users to delete their own post