Metashine 3.0.0-rc.1
How to install
Download Metashine-Setup-3.0.0-rc.1.exe (windows) or the appropriate Linux package from the Assets dropdown below and run the file or install the package.
Release info
More editing functionality and much better ID3 compliance 🥳
- All discovered ID3 frames can now be viewed
- Multiple images can now be edited
- Frames can now be removed
- Unsaved changes are now indicated
- Some frames are now hard-coded as favorites (will be customizable in the future)
- If a favorite frame is missing there is now a button to add it
- Favorite frames are sorted on top of others
- Previously hard-coded frames are now favorite frames
- Official ID3 frame names are now displayed next to commonly-known ones
- Empty and missing frames now look different
- Hovered file style is now different from one of a selected file
- File compatabilty is not determined based on file extension anymore
- Tagging backed is now written in rust 🦀
- The "Preview build..." message (the app is almost ready now)
- Dependency on node-id3 and music-metadata. Bye bye 😢
- Temporarily disabled multi-file editing (will be back soon, in a better shape than it is leaving now)
- File selection does not disappear when switching between files and the assistant
- File list now correctly takes up the entire width of the file section even when no files are added
, but only writes ID3 v2.2 and v2.3 tags in MP3 files, which is powered by .