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update the tutorial of STAligner
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Starlitnightly authored Jan 2, 2024
2 parents f991399 + e77b404 commit 53dff3b
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- [25] [scVI]( was originally published in [*Nature Biotechnology*](
- [26] [MIRA]( was originally published in [*Nature Methods*](
- [27] [Tangram]( was originally published in [*Nature Methods*](
- [28] [STAligner]( was originally published in [*Nature Computational Science*](

## Included Package not published or preprint
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions omicverse/STAligner/
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import numpy as np

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
cudnn.deterministic = True
cudnn.benchmark = True
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .gat_conv import GATConv

class STAligner(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_dims):
super(STAligner, self).__init__()

[in_dim, num_hidden, out_dim] = hidden_dims
self.conv1 = GATConv(in_dim, num_hidden, heads=1, concat=False,
dropout=0, add_self_loops=False, bias=False)
self.conv2 = GATConv(num_hidden, out_dim, heads=1, concat=False,
dropout=0, add_self_loops=False, bias=False)
self.conv3 = GATConv(out_dim, num_hidden, heads=1, concat=False,
dropout=0, add_self_loops=False, bias=False)
self.conv4 = GATConv(num_hidden, in_dim, heads=1, concat=False,
dropout=0, add_self_loops=False, bias=False)

def forward(self, features, edge_index):

h1 = F.elu(self.conv1(features, edge_index))
h2 = self.conv2(h1, edge_index, attention=False) = self.conv2.lin_src.transpose(0, 1) = self.conv2.lin_dst.transpose(0, 1) = self.conv1.lin_src.transpose(0, 1) = self.conv1.lin_dst.transpose(0, 1)
h3 = F.elu(self.conv3(h2, edge_index, attention=True,
h4 = self.conv4(h3, edge_index, attention=False)

return h2, h4 # F.log_softmax(x, dim=-1)
349 changes: 349 additions & 0 deletions omicverse/STAligner/
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@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sklearn.neighbors
import networkx as nx
from .mnn_utils import create_dictionary_mnn

def match_cluster_labels(true_labels,est_labels):
true_labels_arr = np.array(list(true_labels))
est_labels_arr = np.array(list(est_labels))
org_cat = list(np.sort(list(pd.unique(true_labels))))
est_cat = list(np.sort(list(pd.unique(est_labels))))
B = nx.Graph()
B.add_nodes_from([i+1 for i in range(len(org_cat))], bipartite=0)
B.add_nodes_from([-j-1 for j in range(len(est_cat))], bipartite=1)
for i in range(len(org_cat)):
for j in range(len(est_cat)):
weight = np.sum((true_labels_arr==org_cat[i])* (est_labels_arr==est_cat[j]))
B.add_edge(i+1,-j-1, weight=-weight)
match = nx.algorithms.bipartite.matching.minimum_weight_full_matching(B)
# match = minimum_weight_full_matching(B)
if len(org_cat)>=len(est_cat):
return np.array([match[-est_cat.index(c)-1]-1 for c in est_labels_arr])
unmatched = [c for c in est_cat if not (-est_cat.index(c)-1) in match.keys()]
l = []
for c in est_labels_arr:
if (-est_cat.index(c)-1) in match:
return np.array(l)

def Cal_Spatial_Net(adata, rad_cutoff=None, k_cutoff=None,
max_neigh=50, model='Radius', verbose=True):
Construct the spatial neighbor networks.
AnnData object of scanpy package.
radius cutoff when model='Radius'
The number of nearest neighbors when model='KNN'
The network construction model. When model=='Radius', the spot is connected to spots whose distance is less than rad_cutoff. When model=='KNN', the spot is connected to its first k_cutoff nearest neighbors.
The spatial networks are saved in adata.uns['Spatial_Net']

assert (model in ['Radius', 'KNN'])
if verbose:
print('------Calculating spatial graph...')
coor = pd.DataFrame(adata.obsm['spatial'])
coor.index = adata.obs.index
coor.columns = ['imagerow', 'imagecol']

nbrs = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(
n_neighbors=max_neigh + 1, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(coor)
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(coor)
if model == 'KNN':
indices = indices[:, 1:k_cutoff + 1]
distances = distances[:, 1:k_cutoff + 1]
if model == 'Radius':
indices = indices[:, 1:]
distances = distances[:, 1:]

KNN_list = []
for it in range(indices.shape[0]):
KNN_list.append(pd.DataFrame(zip([it] * indices.shape[1], indices[it, :], distances[it, :])))
KNN_df = pd.concat(KNN_list)
KNN_df.columns = ['Cell1', 'Cell2', 'Distance']

Spatial_Net = KNN_df.copy()
if model == 'Radius':
Spatial_Net = KNN_df.loc[KNN_df['Distance'] < rad_cutoff,]
id_cell_trans = dict(zip(range(coor.shape[0]), np.array(coor.index), ))
Spatial_Net['Cell1'] = Spatial_Net['Cell1'].map(id_cell_trans)
Spatial_Net['Cell2'] = Spatial_Net['Cell2'].map(id_cell_trans)
# self_loops = pd.DataFrame(zip(Spatial_Net['Cell1'].unique(), Spatial_Net['Cell1'].unique(),
# [0] * len((Spatial_Net['Cell1'].unique())))) ###add self loops
# self_loops.columns = ['Cell1', 'Cell2', 'Distance']
# Spatial_Net = pd.concat([Spatial_Net, self_loops], axis=0)

if verbose:
print('The graph contains %d edges, %d cells.' % (Spatial_Net.shape[0], adata.n_obs))
print('%.4f neighbors per cell on average.' % (Spatial_Net.shape[0] / adata.n_obs))
adata.uns['Spatial_Net'] = Spatial_Net

X = pd.DataFrame(adata.X.toarray()[:, ], index=adata.obs.index, columns=adata.var.index)
cells = np.array(X.index)
cells_id_tran = dict(zip(cells, range(cells.shape[0])))
if 'Spatial_Net' not in adata.uns.keys():
raise ValueError("Spatial_Net is not existed! Run Cal_Spatial_Net first!")

Spatial_Net = adata.uns['Spatial_Net']
G_df = Spatial_Net.copy()
G_df['Cell1'] = G_df['Cell1'].map(cells_id_tran)
G_df['Cell2'] = G_df['Cell2'].map(cells_id_tran)
G = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(G_df.shape[0]), (G_df['Cell1'], G_df['Cell2'])), shape=(adata.n_obs, adata.n_obs))
G = G + sp.eye(G.shape[0]) # self-loop
adata.uns['adj'] = G

def Stats_Spatial_Net(adata):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Num_edge = adata.uns['Spatial_Net']['Cell1'].shape[0]
Mean_edge = Num_edge / adata.shape[0]
plot_df = pd.value_counts(pd.value_counts(adata.uns['Spatial_Net']['Cell1']))
plot_df = plot_df / adata.shape[0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[3, 2])
plt.title('Number of Neighbors (Mean=%.2f)' % Mean_edge), plot_df)

def mclust_R(adata, num_cluster, modelNames='EEE', used_obsm='STAGATE', random_seed=666):
Clustering using the mclust algorithm.
The parameters are the same as those in the R package mclust.

import rpy2.robjects as robjects

import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri
r_random_seed = robjects.r['set.seed']
rmclust = robjects.r['Mclust']

res = rmclust(adata.obsm[used_obsm], num_cluster, modelNames)
mclust_res = np.array(res[-2])

adata.obs['mclust'] = mclust_res
adata.obs['mclust'] = adata.obs['mclust'].astype('int')
adata.obs['mclust'] = adata.obs['mclust'].astype('category')
return adata

import scipy.sparse as sp
def prepare_graph_data(adj):
# adapted from preprocess_adj_bias
num_nodes = adj.shape[0]
# adj = adj + sp.eye(num_nodes)# self-loop ##new !!
#data = adj.tocoo().data
#adj[adj > 0.0] = 1.0
if not sp.isspmatrix_coo(adj):
adj = adj.tocoo()
adj = adj.astype(np.float32)
indices = np.vstack((adj.col, adj.row)).transpose()

# adj = normalize(adj, norm="l1")

return (adj, indices,, adj.shape)

def prune_spatial_Net(Graph_df, label):
print('------Pruning the graph...')
print('%d edges before pruning.' %Graph_df.shape[0])
pro_labels_dict = dict(zip(list(label.index), label))
Graph_df['Cell1_label'] = Graph_df['Cell1'].map(pro_labels_dict)
Graph_df['Cell2_label'] = Graph_df['Cell2'].map(pro_labels_dict)
Graph_df = Graph_df.loc[Graph_df['Cell1_label']==Graph_df['Cell2_label'],]
print('%d edges after pruning.' %Graph_df.shape[0])
return Graph_df

def best_fit_transform(A, B):
Calculates the least-squares best-fit transform that maps corresponding points A to B in m spatial dimensions
A: Nxm numpy array of corresponding points
B: Nxm numpy array of corresponding points
T: (m+1)x(m+1) homogeneous transformation matrix that maps A on to B
R: mxm rotation matrix
t: mx1 translation vector

# assert A.shape == B.shape

# get number of dimensions
m = A.shape[1]

# translate points to their centroids
centroid_A = np.mean(A, axis=0)
centroid_B = np.mean(B, axis=0)
AA = A - centroid_A
BB = B - centroid_B

# rotation matrix
H =, BB)
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H)
R =, U.T)

# special reflection case
if np.linalg.det(R) < 0:
Vt[m-1,:] *= -1
R =, U.T)

# translation
t = centroid_B.T -,centroid_A.T)

# homogeneous transformation
T = np.identity(m+1)
T[:m, :m] = R
T[:m, m] = t

return T, R, t

def ICP_align(adata_concat, adata_target, adata_ref, slice_target, slice_ref, landmark_domain, plot_align=False):
### find MNN pairs in the landmark domain with knn=1
adata_slice1 = adata_target[adata_target.obs['louvain'].isin(landmark_domain)]
adata_slice2 = adata_ref[adata_ref.obs['louvain'].isin(landmark_domain)]

batch_pair = adata_concat[adata_concat.obs['batch_name'].isin([slice_target, slice_ref]) & adata_concat.obs['louvain'].isin(landmark_domain)]
mnn_dict = create_dictionary_mnn(batch_pair, use_rep='STAligner', batch_name='batch_name', k=1, iter_comb=None, verbose=0)
adata_1 = batch_pair[batch_pair.obs['batch_name']==slice_target]
adata_2 = batch_pair[batch_pair.obs['batch_name']==slice_ref]

anchor_list = []
positive_list = []
for batch_pair_name in mnn_dict.keys():
for anchor in mnn_dict[batch_pair_name].keys():
positive_spot = mnn_dict[batch_pair_name][anchor][0]
### anchor should only in the ref slice, pos only in the target slice
if anchor in adata_1.obs_names and positive_spot in adata_2.obs_names:

batch_as_dict = dict(zip(list(adata_concat.obs_names), range(0, adata_concat.shape[0])))
anchor_ind = list(map(lambda _: batch_as_dict[_], anchor_list))
positive_ind = list(map(lambda _: batch_as_dict[_], positive_list))
anchor_arr = adata_concat.obsm['STAligner'][anchor_ind, ]
positive_arr = adata_concat.obsm['STAligner'][positive_ind, ]
dist_list = [np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(anchor_arr[ii, :] - positive_arr[ii, :]))) for ii in range(anchor_arr.shape[0])]

key_points_src = np.array(anchor_list)[dist_list < np.percentile(dist_list, 50)] ## remove remote outliers
key_points_dst = np.array(positive_list)[dist_list < np.percentile(dist_list, 50)]
#print(len(anchor_list), len(key_points_src))

coor_src = adata_slice1.obsm["spatial"] ## to_be_aligned
coor_dst = adata_slice2.obsm["spatial"] ## reference_points

## index number
MNN_ind_src = [list(adata_1.obs_names).index(key_points_src[ii]) for ii in range(len(key_points_src))]
MNN_ind_dst = [list(adata_2.obs_names).index(key_points_dst[ii]) for ii in range(len(key_points_dst))]

####### ICP alignment
init_pose = None
max_iterations = 100
tolerance = 0.001

coor_used = coor_src ## Batch_list[1][Batch_list[1].obs['annotation']==2].obsm["spatial"]
coor_all = adata_target.obsm["spatial"].copy()
coor_used = np.concatenate([coor_used, np.expand_dims(np.ones(coor_used.shape[0]), axis=1)], axis=1).T
coor_all = np.concatenate([coor_all, np.expand_dims(np.ones(coor_all.shape[0]), axis=1)], axis=1).T
A = coor_src ## to_be_aligned
B = coor_dst ## reference_points

m = A.shape[1] # get number of dimensions

# make points homogeneous, copy them to maintain the originals
src = np.ones((m + 1, A.shape[0]))
dst = np.ones((m + 1, B.shape[0]))
src[:m, :] = np.copy(A.T)
dst[:m, :] = np.copy(B.T)

# apply the initial pose estimation
if init_pose is not None:
src =, src)
prev_error = 0

for ii in range(max_iterations + 1):
p1 = src[:m, MNN_ind_src].T
p2 = dst[:m, MNN_ind_dst].T
T, _, _ = best_fit_transform(src[:m, MNN_ind_src].T,
dst[:m, MNN_ind_dst].T) ## compute the transformation matrix based on MNNs
import math
distances = np.mean([math.sqrt(((p1[kk, 0] - p2[kk, 0]) ** 2) + ((p1[kk, 1] - p2[kk, 1]) ** 2))
for kk in range(len(p1))])

# update the current source
src =, src)
coor_used =, coor_used)
coor_all =, coor_all)

# check error
mean_error = np.mean(distances)
# print(mean_error)
if np.abs(prev_error - mean_error) < tolerance:
prev_error = mean_error

aligned_points = coor_used.T # MNNs in the landmark_domain
aligned_points_all = coor_all.T # all points in the slice

if plot_align:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (3, 3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3), gridspec_kw={'wspace': 0.5, 'hspace': 0.1})
ax[0].scatter(adata_slice2.obsm["spatial"][:, 0], adata_slice2.obsm["spatial"][:, 1],
c="blue",, s=1)
ax[0].set_title('Reference '+slice_ref, size=14)
ax[1].scatter(aligned_points[:, 0], aligned_points[:, 1],
c="blue",, s=1)
ax[1].set_title('Target '+slice_target, size=14)

# plt.axis("off")

#adata_target.obsm["spatial"] = aligned_points_all[:,:2]
return aligned_points_all[:,:2]

def nearest_neighbor(src, dst):
Find the nearest (Euclidean) neighbor in dst for each point in src
src: Nxm array of points
dst: Nxm array of points
distances: Euclidean distances of the nearest neighbor
indices: dst indices of the nearest neighbor

# assert src.shape == dst.shape
neigh = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1)
distances, indices = neigh.kneighbors(src, return_distance=True)
return distances.ravel(), indices.ravel()


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