This SageMath code computes the local cyclotomic p-adic Coleman--Gross height
$f$ is monic (one can use move_to_monic1 or move_to_monic2 if this is not satisfied); - the residue discs
$D(P)$ and$D(Q)$ of$P$ and$Q$ are distinct from$D(R)$ ,$D(\iota(R))$ ,$D(S)$ and$D(\iota(S))$ , where$\iota$ is the hyperelliptic involution.
Jennifer Balakrishnan's code for even degree Coleman integrals is required. Download it from and follow the instructions given there.
Main functions
height_infinities(P, Q) computes
$h_p(\infty_- - \infty_+, P-Q)$ for even degree models. -
height_four_affine_points(P, Q, R, S) computes
$h_p(P-Q, R-S)$ for affine$P,Q,R,S$ . -
height_divisors(D1, D2) computes
$h_p(D_1, D_2)$ for two degree 0 divisors$D_1,D_2$ on$C$ with disjoint an pointwise$\mathbb{Q}_p$ -rational -
height_infinities_residuedisc_to_z(P) computes
$h_p(\infty_- - \infty_+, P(z)-P)$ , where$P(z)$ is a parametric point in the residue disc of$P$ (used for quadratic Chabauty).
$X_0^+(107)$ : To compute the rational points on X0+(107), load qc_X0107plus_p7.m into magma. This requires the QCMod package, available from To verify that the coefficients of the global height as a bilinear pairing are as claimed in qc_X0107plus_p7.m, run solve_for_height_X0107plus.sage. -
$X_0^+(67)$ : To verify the p-adic BSD conjecture for X0+(67) and p = 11, 29, 31, 71, 89, run bsd_X067plus.sage. - Tests: The file examples.sage contains many tests and sanity checks, including comparisons with Balakrishnan's implementation of the algorithm of Balakrishnan--Besser for odd degree.
Authors Stevan Gajović and Steffen Müller