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  1. stock-analysis-engine stock-analysis-engine Public

    Forked from AlgoTraders/stock-analysis-engine

    Backtest 1000s of minute-by-minute trading algorithms for training AI with automated pricing data from: IEX, Tradier and FinViz. Datasets and trading performance automatically published to S3 for b…

    Jupyter Notebook

  2. finviz finviz Public

    Forked from mariostoev/finviz

    Unofficial API for


  3. finsemble-seed finsemble-seed Public

    Forked from InteropIO/finsemble-seed

    Finsemble is a smart desktop platform built on Electron. It allows any type of application to integrate visually and logically with other applications. Applications can sync, link, and share inform…


  4. stocksight stocksight Public

    Forked from shirosaidev/stocksight

    Stock market analyzer and predictor using Elasticsearch, Twitter, News headlines and Python natural language processing and sentiment analysis


  5. bulbea bulbea Public

    Forked from achillesrasquinha/bulbea

    🐗 🐻 Deep Learning based Python Library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling


  6. robin_stocks robin_stocks Public

    Forked from jmfernandes/robin_stocks

    This is a library to use with Robinhood Financial App. It currently supports trading crypto-currencies, options, and stocks. In addition, it can be used to get real time ticker information, assess …



Showing 6 of 6 repositories
  • robin_stocks Public Forked from jmfernandes/robin_stocks

    This is a library to use with Robinhood Financial App. It currently supports trading crypto-currencies, options, and stocks. In addition, it can be used to get real time ticker information, assess the performance of your portfolio, and can also get tax documents, total dividends paid, and more. More info at

    StockTradingTools/robin_stocks’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 492 0 0 Updated May 19, 2021
  • finsemble-seed Public Forked from InteropIO/finsemble-seed

    Finsemble is a smart desktop platform built on Electron. It allows any type of application to integrate visually and logically with other applications. Applications can sync, link, and share information, even if they weren’t originally designed to.

    StockTradingTools/finsemble-seed’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 0 74 0 0 Updated Mar 31, 2021
  • finviz Public Forked from mariostoev/finviz

    Unofficial API for

    StockTradingTools/finviz’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 280 0 0 Updated Mar 20, 2021
  • stocksight Public Forked from shirosaidev/stocksight

    Stock market analyzer and predictor using Elasticsearch, Twitter, News headlines and Python natural language processing and sentiment analysis

    StockTradingTools/stocksight’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 Apache-2.0 473 0 0 Updated Feb 26, 2021
  • bulbea Public Forked from achillesrasquinha/bulbea

    🐗 🐻 Deep Learning based Python Library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling

    StockTradingTools/bulbea’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 489 0 0 Updated Jan 17, 2021
  • stock-analysis-engine Public Forked from AlgoTraders/stock-analysis-engine

    Backtest 1000s of minute-by-minute trading algorithms for training AI with automated pricing data from: IEX, Tradier and FinViz. Datasets and trading performance automatically published to S3 for building AI training datasets for teaching DNNs how to trade. Runs on Kubernetes and docker-compose. >150 million trading history rows generated from +…

    StockTradingTools/stock-analysis-engine’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 261 0 0 Updated Sep 5, 2020

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