Update paths and baud rate in the make script to fit your system
@echo "make upload_all to upload all"
@echo "make upload_http to upload http files"
@echo "make upload_server to upload server files"
@echo "make upload_init to upload init file"
@echo "make list to list all files"
@echo "make format format filesystem"
@echo "make flash reflash newest firmware"
@echo "make tty check if chip is connected to "$(PORT)
@echo "make baud check baud rate of port "$(PORT)
#Connecting to Hub
- Connect to the node directly through wifi
- navigate your browser to
- Input the hubs ssid and password and connect
#API Documantation
##General JSON Response
"id": [chip id],
"data": [value]
gpio is to write or read on digital pins of the ESP8266. For example:
/gpio/[int:pin #]/[int:state||string:type]
###Examples /gpio/1/o sets pin number 1 to a output /gpio/1/i sets pin number 1 to a input /gpio/1/p sets pin number 1 to a pwm [100] /gpio/1 reads value from pin number 1 in JSON format ##DHT
/gpio/1/dht reads dht sensor from pin number 1
{ "id": [chip id], "temp": [float:value], "humi": [float:value] }
##Event Triggering [POST] NOT YET IMPLEMENTED This will send data to an endpoint when triggered
/gpio/[int:pin #]/trig
"endpoint": url endpoint to send request to,
"host":host ip/url,
"port": port number
{ "id": [chip id], "data": [bool:true] }
ADC is to write or read on anolog pin of the ESP8266. For example:
/adc/r reads value from adc
/adc/w writes value to adc
Connect is to connect the node to a network
#Calling API in Python
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
from json import dumps
def get_temp(node_ip, gpio):
req = Request(node_ip+"/"+gpio+"/dht")
response_body = urlopen(req).read()
data = json.loads(response_body)
id = data['id']
temp = data['temp']
humidity = data['humi']
print("temp: "+temp+" hunidity: "+ humi)
return data