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Activity Committee

annalisefishell edited this page May 16, 2022 · 6 revisions

This page is being updated regularly, but some of the content might be outdated.

Chair(wo)man: Margaux van Geem

Secretary: Isabella Hoppe

Treasurer: Francesca Calendora



The Activity Committee, also known as the AC, is the committee who organize fun activities all year round. When there's not a borrel, you can bet that the AC has organized something, to fill your Wednesday evening. The activities differ from just a simple movie night, to an evening where we go and play Paintball.


The AC organizes a monthly meeting, where we talk about the events that have happened since the last meeting, and organize new activities for the future.


At every activity, 2 members of the AC are responsible. Except for the bigger activities, like the Christmas dinner and the End Of the Year Barbeque, where everybody helps out.

Even though there are not really any activities that are set to a specific date, there are some recurring activities that the AC organizes every year:

  • Entertainment night (every exam week)

This is a night where people are coming together to chill out and get rid of the stress that comes with an exam week. People come and play games together, just hang out, have some snacks, drink some beer, it's just a fun evening where you can relax. Organizing an entertainment night is very simple, just make sure that there are enough snacks and that everybody is having a good time, but the latter will go smoothly, don't worry about that.

  • Poker tournament (around the end of September)

Every year, the AC organizes a poker tournament. Here, all members can sign up and win an awesome prize if they are capable of being the last one standing. If you organize this, you have to buy some snacks, buy a prize for the winner of the tournament, make sure that there are enough cards and poker chips available. Also, at the event itself, make sure that the night goes smoothly, it helps if you know anything about poker ;)

  • Console game night (once per year)

A console game night really speaks for itself, this is a fun night where people can play their favorite games that they've played when they were kids. Again, make sure that there are snacks aplenty at the event itself and make sure everybody is having fun.

At time of writing, there is no concrete information available about how to find the consoles required.

  • Magic tournament (a couple of times a year)

Magic, one of the best card games around. A couple of times a year, the AC organizes an evening where STORMers can try to win this game. Like poker, it truly helps if you know anything about the game, but, like poker, this is not a requirement. You need to buy a pack of magic cards for every player that wants to join, and you usually play 2vs2.

  • Christmas dinner (near Christmas)

The Christmas dinner is one of the biggest operations of the AC. Everybody helps around, with the decorations, food, promotion, getting the tables, and more. There is more information about the Chrismas Dinner, and the concrete explanation as to what needs to be done, here.

  • Open Mic Night (around May)

As of writing, the Open Mic Night is being organized by experienced AC members. Information about this event will be updated while it is being organized.

The Open Mic Night is another

  • Eindbarbecue (eind van het collegejaar)


Sinds 2015 worden de posters voor alle commissies gemaakt door de PromoCie. Als bijzitter is het jouw verantwoordelijkheid om ervoor te zorgen dat de communicatie tussen de AC en de PromoCie goed genoeg is om altijd op tijd posters te hebben. De makkelijkste manier om dit te bereiken, is zelf de PromoCie inlichten zodra activiteiten zijn vastgesteld.

Facebook events

Het bestuur maakt de facebookevents voor alle AC activiteiten. Dit kan de commissie niet zelf doen, omdat zij geen admin zijn van de STORM pagina.


Het is het best als de activiteiten van de AC al minstens twee maanden van tevoren vaststaan. Zo is er altijd genoeg tijd voor promotie en kan iedereen rekening houden met de planning. Zorg er ook voor dat de AC inzicht houdt in haar eigen financi�en.

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