Make a clear list of features that work/dont work
✅ This feature works.
❓ This feature works partially.
☑️ This extra (beyond the things that the lab was supposed to do) feature works.
❌ This required feature does not work.
🪲 This is a bug that affects the game.
✅ Play with a group of 3 different types adventurers.
✅ Play against 1-3 randomly chosen adventurer opponents (You can play with up to 4!).
✅ Use attack/special operations on your opponents.
✅ Use support operations on your team.
✅ Program ends when the user choosed to quit, or all enemies is defeated, or the entire party is defeated. A win/lose screen is useful here.
✅ Display the results of the attack/special/support inside your border. Do not print things at the bottom of the screen or it will scroll.
✅ Have a special boss class adventurer for when a single opponent is selected.
Normal Attack: Bolt Barrage (5-6 dmg)
- Ultramarine fires a volley from their boltgun at the enemy
✅ Normal Attack functions hits targeted enemy for 5-6 dmg
Special: Orbital Strike (-4 dmg next round + 3 splash dmg)
- Ultramarine calls in a precision orbital bombardment, dealing either 10 damage or 5 splash damage of dmg to all enemies and weakening them making them do 2 less damage next round.
Special Resource: Rule (5 for each special)
✅ is correctly added when using a normal attack
✅ is correcly used, then disappears when using special
✅ Single-Target Orbital Strike
✅ Uses and checks for 5 resource
✅ Deals 10 damage to the targeted enemy
✅ Lowers Enemy damage by 2 next round
✅ If you can't use it you're forced to use a normal attack
❓ Multi-Target Orbital Strike
✅ Uses and checks for 5 resource
✅ coded to deal 5 damage to all enemies
✅ coded to lower enemy damage by 2
🪲 can't be called within the game
Support: Logistics Wins Wars
Ultramarine uses its superior logistical and management skills to bring extra supplies either to themself or a single ally, providing a boost of +4 hp.
✅ Self Heals the UltraMarine by +4 HP
✅ Ally Heals for +4 HP
Normal Attack: Radium Barrage (3-4 dmg)
Adeptus Mechanicus fires a burst of radioactive rounds at their enemy.
✅ Deals 3-4 damage to the selected target
✅ Gains 1 MSE when attacking
Special: Omnissiah's Wrath
Adeptus Mechanicus calls on the power of the machine god to deal 6 to 7 damage and will disable the weapon of one of the opponents for the next attack/special attack. (ie, effect only gets removed on their next attack. If they support on their next move, then it still be there.)
✅ deals 6 to 7 damage to the targeted enemy
❓ outputs a line that tells you if your weapon is disabled or enabled but doesn't actually enable or disable them
Support: Upgrade Agreement
Adeptus Mechanicals uses its technical skills to upgrade the weapon of either themself or a single ally, providing a boost of +3 dmg for the rest of the game. Can only be used once per person.
✅ provides a permanent +3 damage boost
✅ can only be given once per game
Special Resource: Machine Spirit Energy (3 for each special max of 5)
✅ you need 3 resource to use a special attack
✅ max of 5 energy
✅ restore +1 on each normal or special attack
Normal Attack: lasgun Shot (1-2 dmg)
Guardsman fires a single shot from their lasgun due to their inferior physical abilities.
✅ damages targeted enemy for 1 to 2 damage
Special: Fragment Grenade - (10 dmg + 3 splash dmg)
Guardsman tosses a grenade, dealing 10 damage to a target and 3 splash damage to adjacent enemies.
✅ deals 10 damage to the main target
✅ deals 3 splash damage to any other enemies present
Support: Call Reinforcements
Summons another Guardsman upon defeat. Each reinforcement arrives with same health and same abilities (resurrects), restore the entire party's special by 1 or target's special by 1 if it's alive. Maximum of 4 reinforcements per match.
✅ when used on others it restores 1 resource
✅ self-resurrection with 20 HP
Special Resource: Morale (4 for each special)
✅ need 4 morale to be able to use your special
✅ gain a morale though attacking
Normal Attack: Worldbreaker Strike (7-9 dmg)
Horus delivers a hard strike, dealing damage to a single target.
✅ deals 7 to 9 damage to the targeted adventurer
Special: Eye of Terror
Horus releases a wave of warp energy, corrupting the mind of one enemy so that they leave themselves open, causing 25 damage to be dealt.
✅ damages selected adventurer for 18 damage
Support: Dark Corruption
Horus heals for 10 HP and grants himself immunity to all status effects for 1 turn.
✅ heals Horus for 10 HP
✅ immune to all status effects for 1 turn
Special Resource: Warp Corruption (at least 7 for each special)
✅ gives Horus 1-2 Warp corruption per normal attack
✅ uses all of its Corrution Warp as long as its above 7