Make a clear list of features that work/dont work
✅ QB can attack and special attack toward specified targets.
✅ TE can attack and special attack toward specified targets.
✅ RB can attack and special attack toward specified targets.
✅ DL can attack and special attack toward specified targets.
✅ Boss can attack and special attack toward random target.
✅ QB can support self and support ally.
✅ TE can support self and support ally.
✅ Boss can support self.
✅ RB can support self.
✅ DL can support self and support ally.
☑️ The game starts with random amount of adventurers.
☑️ Adventurers have multiple possible names in each subclass.
☑️ Color by percent for HP works well.
☑️ Provided max hp and max amount of special.
❓ Turn order works, but wording while playing may be a bit confusing.
✅ Reprompts when invalid input.
✅ Goes to next players turn if not end of party turn yet.
✅ Goes to next enemies turn if not end of enemy turn yet.
✅ All classes are special in abilites.
☑️ RB class has working stat boost
✅ Game is able to randomly input enemy party move.
✅ Game able to end when no HP is left on either side.
☑️ Winner specified at game end.
- Initial Arm Power: 0
- Max Arm Power: 35
- Initial HP: 60 HP
- HP: 60 MAX
- Attack: Pass: Deals 10 to 15 damage to enemy and also increases self Arm Power by 5
- Support: Take a Knee: lose 10 Arm Power but heals self for 10 HP
- Support (Ally): Protect the QB: Self loses 10 Arm Power Heal the reciever for 10 HP;
- Special Attack: Hail Mary (Requires 20 Arm Power): Deals 30 damage to enemy but self loses 20 Arm Power
- Special Resource: Arm Power
- Initial Speed: 0
- Max Speed: 60
- Initial HP: 80 HP
- HP: 80 MAX
- Attack: Rush: Deals 5 to 10 damage to enemy and increases self speed by 10
- Support: Gatorade sip: ***give self 20% damage *** ; Need 25 speed to use ; If used remove 25 Speed from self; Damage boost does not stack
- Support(ally): Cannot support ally so uses regular support instead.
- Special Attack: Truck (Requires 25 Speed): Deals 15 damage to enemy but self lose 25 Speed; If not enough speed, attack instead; Also gains 15 health.
- Special Resource: Speed
- Initial Strength: 0
- Max Strength: 60
- Initial HP: 100 HP
- HP: 100 HP MAX
- Attack: Tackle: Deals 10 damage to enemy and increases self strength by 10;
- Support: Sideline Rest: Self converts half of current strength to HP, adds that number to the HP and then reset self strength to zero
- Support (Ally): Protect: Heal the protected for 20 HP and give him 10 super charge; Self loses 30 Strength. If not enough strength, self support instead.
- Special Attack: Sack (Requires 25 Strength): Deals 30 damage to enemy but self loses 25 Strength
- Special Resource: Strength
- Initial Ref Blindness: 0
- Max Ref Blindness: 76
- Initial HP: 150 HP
- HP: 150 HP MAX
- Attack: Flopping: Deals 15 damage to enemy and also increases ref blindess by 4
- Support: Holding Call: lose 20 Ref Blindness but heals self for 30 HP
- Support (Ally): None
- Special Attack: Unneccesary Roughness (Requires 20 Ref Blindness): Deals 20 damage to enemy and gain 20 health but self loses 20 Ref Blindness
- Special Resource: Ref blindness