Welcome to the Classifieds Web Application where users can easily buy and sell used products! 🏠 Whether you're looking to sell your old furniture or buy a used smartphone, this platform makes transactions simple and seamless. 🔄
- 🛍️ Buy Products: Browse listings of used products and place orders.
- 💸 Sell Products: List your items for sale with images, descriptions, and prices.
- 🧑🤝🧑 User Registration & Authentication: Register, log in, and manage your profile.
- 📝 Order Management: Place orders, track status, and get notifications.
- 📦 Product Management: Update, delete, and mark products as sold.
- Frontend: Angular 14
🅰️ - Backend: Node.js, Express 🖥️
- Database: MongoDB 💾
- Other Libraries:
- Mongoose for MongoDB interaction
- Multer for file uploads 📸
- Bcrypt for password hashing 🔐
- JWT for authentication 🔑
git clone https://github.com/Subramanian7986/classifieds-web-app.git
cd classifieds-web-app
cd backend
npm install
Make sure you have MongoDB running locally:
node data/seed.js
node server.js
The backend will run on http://localhost:3000
cd frontend
npm install
ng serve
The frontend will run on http://localhost:4200
- Get a list of products based on their status (Available, Selling, Sold). - POST
- Sell a new product. - POST
- Purchase a product. - POST
- User registration. - POST
- User login. - GET
- Get the details of a user (sold, bought, and selling products).
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Have questions? Reach out to us:
- Email: vsubramanianofficial@gmail.com 📧
Happy shopping and selling! 🛍️✨