project-supra-web is a customized projector image for SupraRBI-VNC and some other solutions from SupraAXES Technologies, Inc., please contact for detailed information.
docker pull supraaxes/projector-supra-web
- private chromium-based enterprise browser with customized UI for better user experience
- context menu for copy/paste, reload/forward/back, etc.
- dialog box for upload and download
- multiple tabs
- download manager
- autofill
projector-supra-web is a commercial image with an evaluation license for 4 months. There will be monthly update to the official image, identified by specific tag (e.g. supraaxes/projector-supra-web:202503) and with up-to-date evaluation license.
A license file is required for each business deployment.
To use projector-supra-web for SupraRBI-VNC, please make sure the environment variable SUPRA_PROJECTOR_IMAGE is set to projector-supra-web for the SupraRBI-VNC server.
docker run --name rbi-vnc -d \
--network supra-projector \
-p 5900:5900 \
-e SUPRA_PROJECTOR_NETWORK='supra-projector' \
-e SUPRA_PROJECTOR_IMAGE='supraaxes/projector-supra-web' \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
A good solution for secure access to a web page/site or application is projector-supra-web together with SupraRBI-VNC and Apache Guacamole.
The target URL specified in ** username for VNC connection** MUST be the same as the value of url in the JSON file with autofill settings.
"instance-settings": {
"autofill-username": "myname",
"autofill-password": "mypassword",
"http-basic-auth": {
"name": "username",
"passwd": "password"
mounts: add mounts for autofill settings and license.
- the destination path for the JSON file with autofill settings in the projector instance MUST be /opt/supra/conf/autofill.json.
- the destination path for the license file in the projector instance MUST be /opt/supra/conf/license.json.
instance-settings: provide custom settings for the RBI session in JSON format, currently mainly for autofill.
- set the values for autofill fields in a web page defined in fields in the JSON file (/opt/supra/conf/autofill.json, as specified blow) with autofill-{fieldType}.
- The name for an autofill field MUST be "autofill-{fieldType}", and the value will overwrite the default value specified in the JSON file.
- If the fieldValue for a field is blank in the JSON file AND neither is the value set in instance-settings, the autofill script will trigger a click on the field.
- set autofill for basic HTTP auth with http-basic-auth.
Besides of autofill settings in the password for VNC connection, to enable autofill for a RBI session the user needs to have a JSON file with autofill settings on the host and properly setup the password for VNC connection.
The json file provides settings for autofill in the target webpage.
"url": "",
"site": "https://**",
"fields": [
"fieldType": "username",
"fieldValue": "",
"location": [
"id": "username"
"fieldType": "password",
"fieldValue": "",
"location": [
"attr": "ht",
"attrValue": "input_pwdlogin_pwd",
"tag": "input"
"fieldType": "submitButton",
"fieldValue": "",
"location": [
"classname": "fm-submit"
url: set the target URL for the RBI session. The value MUST be the same as the username for VNC connection.
site: set the site with regex. In the RBI session, when a web page with URL matches the regex, the autofill script will be activated.
fields: define the list of fields in a web page for the autofill script.fieldType: set the type name of the target field.
fieldValue: set the value for the target field with the autofill script.
location: set information that can be used to locate the target field in a web page.