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Stephen Swensen edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 6 revisions

Comments, Suggestions, and Feedback

The following is an archive of comments on the old Google Code project site.

Comment by kurt.schelfthout, Jun 1, 2011

Any plans for making a NuGet package?

Comment by project member stephen.swensen, Jun 9, 2011


Yes Indeed, I didn't notice your comment 'till just now, but coincidentally released a NuGet package for the latest release on the very day you posted it: Note that currently the package doesn't enforce the FSharp.PowerPack.Linq dependency: I experimented with making it depend on FSPowerPack.Community, but that brings in all of the PowerPack assemblies and also adds a goofy example .fs file to the project. For future packages, I may just include FSharp.PowerPack.Linq directly, or create a separate standalone package for that singular assembly as a dependency. For now, I figure most F# developers already have the PowerPack installed in the GAC.

Comment by kurt.schelfthout, Jun 12, 2011

Cool, thanks. Good point about PowerPack packaging. I think then that package builders should be aware of this, and probably have a "bare" package that just installs the dependent dlls, so that other packages that use PowerPack can safely declare that as a dependency, and one "full" package that installs the dlls and adds any fancy stuff like examples etc.

Have you raised an issue with the PowerPack team about this? I imagine many F# projects use it.

Comment by project member stephen.swensen, Jul 7, 2011

I sent a message to Dan Mohl with those requests, the FSPowerPack.Community package is not officially supported (

Also, as of Unquote version 2.0.0, I've eliminated any explicit dependencies on any PowerPack components. I eliminated the FSharp.PowerPack.Linq dependency by implementing my own reflection-based quotation evaluation engine. And I've hidden the FSharp.PowerPack.Metadata dependency by statically linking it into the Unquote assembly.

Comment by project member stephen.swensen, Jul 12, 2011

Dan wrote back and said he liked the idea of having a "bare" package as well as having individual packages for sub-components of the PowerPack and said that he would work on putting those together.

Comment by project member stephen.swensen, Aug 9, 2011

Dan has released the new series of PowerPack NuGet packages:

For the next version of Unquote, I will likely stop statically linking FSharp.PowerPack.Metadata and instead add a NuGet dependency on FSPowerPack.Metadata.Community

Comment by project member stephen.swensen, Aug 18, 2011

For now have removed the FSharp.PowerPack.Metadata dependency entirely:

Comment by dgfitch, Apr 16, 2013

Interesting project!

I would like to extend the equality operator so that it "downcasts" anything that supports IEnumerable anywhere in the type structure into seq, so that [1;2;3] =? seq {1;2;3} and I don't have to do weird manual coercion across nested sequences in my tests.

It's unclear to me how to extend the operators or if this would need to be a thing that gets "reduced".

Comment by project member stephen.swensen, May 29, 2013

Thanks @dgfitch! Sorry for the belated response. Fundamentally this is an F# language question, but it shouldn't be super difficult to get what you are after: basically, you want a function like toListRecursive<'a> (xs:IEnumerable) : list<'a> for recursively converting a sequence of possibly nested sequences to a list (of lists recursively if needed), thus allowing you to exploit F# structural comparison of lists. I do agree this would be a useful function for unit testing and indeed in general, but it is a bit out of scope for Unquote (which is all about using quotations to perform assertions with standard F# expressions such that source code info is preserved and presented to the developer in a friendly way in case of a failure; helpers like toListRecursive can certainly be used together with Unquote, but start to escape its specific mission -- that being said, it is something I will keep in mind, and maybe someday we may well feel Unquote's scope should expand into this territory).

Comment by jesse.emerick, May 27, 2014

Just got integration with Fuchu working. Have a patch if you're interested.

Comment by project member stephen.swensen, May 27, 2014

Hi @jesse.emerick, I'd be happy to accept your patch. Please create an issue with the patch diff attached. Thanks.

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