This is a template to quickly start making games with the game engine Godot in the C# language.
I (@Swynfel) plan on using it to avoid waisting time making a clean repository during game-jams.
This repository uses the "Unlicense" License, so feel free to use it or take it as inspiration, it comes with no string attached.
- .gitignore for
- Godot
- VSCode
- Krita
- Piskel
- Utility classes and functions
- Auto-formatting with
This repository uses git lfs to better store large files (such as images and sounds), so start by installing it on your computer.
Then, you can clone the repository with
git lfs clone
To build and run the project, you will need:
Start by installing Godot 3.2.3 - Mono version directly on the official website.
Make sure you take the Mono version, and the correct 64-bit / 32-bit depending on your architecture.
Although Godot mentions installing MSBuild, for this project it is recommended to install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK. On linux, a simple apt-get install dotnet-sdk-3.1
does the trick.
You should be able to call the following command with no error, and see a line mentioning the v3.1
sdk appear.
dotnet --list-sdks
(Note: At first I wanted to use .NET Core 5.0 SDK for C# 9's latest functionalities, but there seems to be some issues during export, so I'll have to wait for it to be officially release and better by Godot.)
Open the Godot editor, and select the project. Press the run icon (triangle in top-right corner), or press F5.
If Godot has trouble finding the .NET Core SDK, go in Editor/"Editor Settings..."/Mono/Builds/"Build Tool" and check that the correct tool is selected (probably dotnet CLI)
There is a omnisharp.json
file to handle the code formatting conventions.