A modding tool used to view, edit and convert the proprietary Binary Resource files (BRFs) loaded by the popular «Mount&Blade» and «Mount&Blade: Warband» games.
This GitHub repo was last updated from the source code ZIP file at:
and modified to compile under Linux. Then it was fixed again by Swyter on early 2023 to also work on Windows and compile out-of-the-box, when opening it with compatible Qt Creator version like the one below:
https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/5.12/5.12.12/qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.12.12.exe.mirrorlist (tip: get offline before launching the installer to avoid creating a Qt account)
This version includes both a pre-generated version of glew
2.2.0 (the latest one at the time of writing) and vcglib
1.0.1 (the last compatible one) as a git submodule (i.e. a linked sub-repository pointing to a particular version instead of copying all those files over).
So make sure you initialize all submodules when you clone/download it. Plus, downloading it as a .zip file from GitHub will cause the dependencies/vcglib
folder to be empty, so keep that in mind.
You don't need anything else, other than the open-source Qt5 SDK, that is the huge UI framework/SDK and build system OpenBRF is made of.
This code and the original ZIP file are licensed under the GNU General Public License, according to the dicussion forum:
# Now requires Qt5!
qmake -makefile openBrf.pro
# run it overriding the float dot notation so that it can load
# `carry_positions.txt` in other languages other than English
env LC_NUMERIC=C ./openBrf
Alternatively there's also a ready-to-use AUR package that might come in handy if you are using Arch Linux (helpfully provided by Swyter):