- Demo Day Project: JavaScript & React
- Languages: JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks: React, Node.js
- Databases: MongoDB, SQL
- Tools: Git, Docker, VS Code, Jest
- PC Building
- Reading
- Running (I love participating in 5Ks! πββοΈ)
- Full Stack Expense Tracker: A full-stack project for handling user authentication and expenses tracking.
- Full Stack Running workout log: A full-stack project designed for user authentication and tracking running activities.
- Personal Auth & Expense Demo: A live demo of the expense tracking application.
- Personal Auth & Run Demo: A live demo of the running activity tracking application.
- Email: wiseamenra1@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Wise Amen Ra
- He/Him
- Iβm an avid runner and love participating in 5Ks. My personal best is 17:44, and I'm always aiming to improve my time with each race!