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blockcrafter21 edited this page Nov 20, 2021 · 5 revisions


Here you find all commands sorted by module


Command [required arg](optional arg) ;{aliases} Command Explanation
help sends the help message
version sends the used version and the version of the bot
msg[@user_to_send_the_messageto][content of the message] sends a dm to the specified user with the specified content with the bot account


Command [required arg](optional arg); {aliases} Command Explanation
ban [@user_to_be_banned](optional reason) bans a user with the specified reason. If no Reason is given the reason will be empty
unban [userid] unbans a user by his user id (example: unban 901873647554293760)
purge [number of messages to be deleted] deletes a given amount of messages in the channel the command was executed


Command [required arg](optional arg) ;{aliases} Command Explanation
blame [user][reason] ;{none} this command "blames" someone with a reason [THIS COMMAND IS MEANINGLESS ]
wahrheitoderpflicht ;{top} this command lets you play Truth or dare. Please Note that this command has only Truth items except for one and the message of the bot does not make sense


Command [required arg](optional arg) ;{aliases} Command Explanation
earrape ;{none} plays an earrape sound in the vc you're in . Please note that you may be banned if you use this
tts [text] (lang) ;{none} uses google text-to-speech and plays the file in the voice Chanel you're in . The default lang is german
dc disconnects the bot from all voice channels on the current server


Command [required arg](optional arg) ;{aliases} Command Explanation
translate [text] [lang] ;{tr} translates the given text and shows it . (may be useful for homework)


These commands are only available to the owners of the bot . In case you host the Bot yourself only you can use them.

Command [required arg](optional arg) ;{aliases} Command Explanation
leaveguild ;{none} Leaves the server the command was executed
load [cogs.{the name of the cog}] ;{none} Loads the given cog . think of the path like dot paths . eg. to load the sound cog use load cogs.Sound
unload [cogs.{the name of the cog}] ;{none} Unloads the given cog . For usage look at the load command
reload [cogs.{the name of the cog}] ;{none} Reloads the given cog . For usage look at the load command
exit ;{shutdown,poweroff} shuts the bot off . caution IF YOU USE THIS YOU NEED TO START THE BOT MANUALLY ON THE SERVER