Vermont EV charging network & renewable energy data analysis with Power BI. Done as part of a data analytics milestone project which involved processing data from dirty to clean, merging queries (joining tables), transforming data & finally, using variety of visuals to tell a data story
- Power BI Desktop reports: Total of 3 reports that show variety of visuals to gain insights from data
- Data transformation with Power Query Editor: Data replacement, merging records and modifying columns as part of data processing
Name | Purpose |
Datasets.xlsx | Raw datasets obtained from website collected into one workbook |
Renewables_BI.pbix | Power BI Desktop file containing reports and transformed queries |
Case_study.pdf | Documentation of project knitted as a PDF file using R Markdown |
Case_study.Rmd | R Markdown file used in RStudio environment to document the PDF project file |
Entry level professionals or graduates from different fields who wish to explore analytical tools for data analysis and embark on their own case studies with a reference project
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