Scoring based on timing, level increases the longer you survive in the game, background changes colour to indicate this. Try to add background music.
2.1 Sprite: Lives: start with 3, lose life when hit with projectile Score: based on time survived, score doubles each level passed
2.2 Welcome screen: has instructions Lives go to 0, everything resets
2.3 Player controls sprite, arrow keys Animation changes with direction
2.4 Vector class used: projectiles use velocity
2.5 Physics with collisions with projectiles, bounce off the edge of the canvas
2.6 Sprite in player class ‘Enemy’ class, projectiles saved in a list. Increased amount of projectiles per level, Increased speed per level Interaction class Game class
Additional Destroy projectiles? Powerups: reduce speed for an amount of time, invincibility Scoreboard Projectiles interactions (bounce) Multiple levels based on time survived
Welcome screen: Canvas size: 700px x 700px Background: space themed Start game: Instructions: avoid asteroids, gain power ups, score based on time lasted Leaderboard? Music, Sound effects?
Game: Timer: 3 minutes total, game is won if player lasts till timer ends Score Counter: score increases every second, as level increases the counter increases. Extra score from powerup Powerups: sprite change colour to indicate powerup
- Slow down projectiles for 10 secs
- Invincibility for 10 secs Levels: 3 levels, increases each minute survived. Background change to indicate level change/ enemy sprites change to indicate level change Level 1: 2 projectiles, 1 power up Level 2: 4 projectiles, 2 power ups Level 3: 6 projectiles, 3 power ups Lives: 3 lives, player loses a life if hit by projectile Lose Screen: option to add score to leaderboard, play again/exit Win Screen: option to add score to leaderboard, play again/exit
Sprites: Player sprite: rocket, changes thruster direction to opposite way of moving Projectile sprites: asteroids, change tail direction to opposite way of moving, change colour when level increases PowerupSlow sprites: PowerupInvincible sprites:
Classes: Player: rocket Projectile: asteroids PowerupSlow: slime PowerupInvincible: force field/ shield Keyboard: Interaction: Game: Vector Levels: defines the levels, no of powerups, no of enemy sprites