On Sept 13, Travis team announced about a critical vulnerability, see https://travis-ci.community/t/security-bulletin/12081
In large organizations, it's not easy to understand the blast radius.
This tool will help you to scan organizations in Github by filtering out repositories which are not impacted.
By providing 'org' and 'token' arguments to this script, your organization will be scanned. Only repositories that have Travis builds and environment variables set in Travis will be included in the result.
Getting repositories chunk from /owner/org/repos
Checking if repositories have environment variables, this might take a while.
The following repositories are potentially impacted - they have used Travis and have environment variables:
Writing JSON summary output to ./repos.json
If you provide also extended
and github_token
, the script will use Github APIs to filter out repositories which don't have any forks.
In addition, it will create a summary which includes the potential impacted repo + basic details about the top 3 contributors (link to github profile + name and email if publicly available)
Repository Name, Contributor1 name, Contributor1 email, Contributor1 profile, Contributor2 name, Contributor2 email, Contributor2 profile, Contributor3 name, Contributor3 email, Contributor3 profile
repo1, John Doe, jdoe@example.com, https://github.com/jdoe, John Doe, jdoe@example.com, https://github.com/jdoe, John Doe, jdoe@example.com, https://github.com/jdoe
--version Show version number [boolean]
-t, --token Travis api token [required]
-o, --org Organization to scan [required]
-e, --extended Whether or not to use GH APIs to filter out
repositories without any forks, and add information
about top 3 contributors [boolean]
--github_token, --ght Github token. Unless you have a very small number
of repositories, required in order to increase
githubs rate limit
--help Show help [boolean]
You can clone it and run it locally by -
node index travis-org-vuln-scanner -t TRAVIS_TOKEN -o ORGANIZATION_NAME --extended --github_token GITHUB_TOKEN
OR by just using NPX
npx travis-org-vuln-scanner -t TRAVIS_TOKEN -o ORGANIZATION_NAME --extended --github_token GITHUB_TOKEN
To ensure you're using the latest version, you can add --ignore-existing
to the npx
command, e.g. -
npx --ignore-existing travis-org-vuln-scanner -t TRAVIS_TOKEN -o ORGANIZATION_NAME --extended --github_token GITHUB_TOKEN