Better Data = Better Outcomes.
VerityPy and VerityDotNet libraries combine curated human expertise with Machine Learning (ML) into software components to accelerate development and signficantly lower the level of effort needed to make data ready for high quality Data Science, Machine Learning, and predictive models.
The libraries contain expert algorithms developed from in-depth investigations, forensic tracing, and specialized remediation on large data systems across many fields, always with successful outcomes. Our human experts discovered where to look, what to look for, and what to do about problems especially deeply buried ones missed by traditional tools. These were then tuned and tested on a variety of data sets to refine their performance and determine the characteristics and statistics most useful to enable faster and more accurate data processing.
The functions enable coding labor-intensive, complicated tasks to improve data quality, remediate errors, normalize data across sources, and enrich data for AI/ML, Data Science, scenario modeling, and database modernization.
See the folders for the respective library guides. In each, open index.html in a browser.
These example source data files and VerityX result files are provided as-is as mere demonstrations of the type of errors that the libraries handle and which are usually beyond the functionality of traditional data tools. These source files can be used to compare different tools and coding methods to identify and characterize errors, anomalies, and actual versus documented data syntax and semantics.
IRSMigration_WithErrors_Hdr.csv : This is a comma separated value text file. It has a header line with the titles of the fields. It has been compiled from the full IRS data into a small sample file that contains the type of errors commonly encountered. Notice that there are some quoted fields while most are not; the line ending in '-Same' is a broken record spanning multiple lines; there are exponential values which should not be present; non-State name text are in fields supposed to be US State names; the last lines end with special characters that many tools do not detect but since they are part of the real data will distort or corrupt processing. Some of the initial lines in the file:
y2_statefips,y1_statefips,y1_state,y1_state_name,n1,n2,AGI 01,96,AL,AL Total Migration-US and Foreign,33716,67747,1515297 01,97,AL,AL Total Migration-US,32868,x65647,1467218 01,98,AL,"AL Total Migration,Foreign",848,2100,48079 01,97,AL,AL Total Migration-Same State,46630,95832,1.871804e+6 01,01,AL,AL Non- migrants,1598458,3579600,96406319 01,13,GA,Georgia,5972,12269,249108 01,12,FL,Florida,4489,8446,1.85502e+5 01,48,TX,Texas,3435,7041,135165 01,47,TN,Tennessee,2608,5304,124203 01,28,MS,Mississippi,2212,4562,90723 01,06,CA,California,1169,2274,55689 01,37,NC,North Carolina,1056,2158,49972 01,22,LA,Louisiana,883,1671,40723 01,57,FR,Foreign,848,$2100,48079 1,51,VA,Virginia,819,1624,$48796 01,36,ny,New York,772,1518,(34582) 01,17,il,Illinois,717,1443,-34167 01,39,oh,Ohio,713,1430,29911 01,45,sc,South Carolina,637,1220,31594 01,26,mi,Michigan,594,1125,22176 01,21,KY,Kentucky,574,1213,27082ê 01,08,CO,Colorado,473,932,24958‼ 01,29,MO,Missouri,459,901,20884§ 01,18,IN,Indiana,457,895,21821►
IRSMigration_WithErrors_NoBrk_Hdr.csv : This is a comma separated value text file. It has a header line with the titles of the fields. It is the same as the previous source file except that there are no broken records spanning multiple lines. This allows testing tools and code approaches separately for syntax and value errors, and the very difficult challenge of detecting and fixing broken records. Some of the initial lines in the file:
y2_statefips,y1_statefips,y1_state,y1_state_name,n1,n2,AGI 01,96,AL,AL Total Migration-US and Foreign,33716,67747,1515297 01,97,AL,AL Total Migration-US,32868,x65647,1467218 01,98,AL,"AL Total Migration,Foreign",848,2100,48079 01,97,AL,AL Total Migration-Same State,46630,95832,1.871804e+6 01,01,AL,AL Non-migrants,1598458,3579600,96406319 01,13,GA,Georgia,5972,12269,249108 01,12,FL,Florida,4489,8446,1.85502e+5 01,48,TX,Texas,3435,7041,135165 01,47,TN,Tennessee,2608,5304,124203 01,28,MS,Mississippi,2212,4562,90723 01,06,CA,California,1169,2274,55689 01,37,NC,North Carolina,1056,2158,49972 01,22,LA,Louisiana,883,1671,40723 01,57,FR,Foreign,848,$2100,48079 1,51,VA,Virginia,819,1624,$48796 01,36,ny,New York,772,1518,(34582) 01,17,il,Illinois,717,1443,-34167 01,39,oh,Ohio,713,1430,29911 01,45,sc,South Carolina,637,1220,31594 01,26,mi,Michigan,594,1125,22176 01,21,KY,Kentucky,574,1213,27082ê 01,08,CO,Colorado,473,932,24958‼ 01,29,MO,Missouri,459,901,20884§ 01,18,IN,Indiana,457,895,21821►
StateAbbrfromFIPS_lookup.dat : text file using pipe ( | ) delimiter that is a lookup of the state code to its standard abbreviation. All codes are 2 digits like 01 and 32. This is used in the examples as a Verity Lookup Dictionary. Example lines:
Code|Abbr 01|AL 02|AK 04|AZ 05|AR 06|CA 08|CO 09|CT 10|DE
StateNamefromFIPS_lookup.dat : text file using pipe ( | ) delimiter that is a lookup of the state code to its standard name. All codes are 2 digits like 01 and 32. This is used in the examples as a Verity Lookup Dictionary. Example lines:
Code|Name 01|Alabama 02|Alaska 04|Arizona 05|Arkansas 06|California 08|Colorado 09|Connecticut 10|Delaware
FIPS_stateCountyCodes.dat : text file using comma delimiter for a joint code lookup to find a county name given the state and county code. This is used in the Verity library Lookup class and transform function. Example lines:
stateCode,countyCode,countyName 01,001,Autauga 01,003,Baldwin 01,005,Barbour 01,007,Bibb 01,009,Blount 01,011,Bullock 01,013,Butler 01,015,Calhoun 01,017,Chambers
USStatesNormalize.dat : text file with a comment line and using pipe delimiter. The 'pattern' value is a search token that can have optional front and/or back wildcard character used to match to a test value and return the 'state' value if a match occurs. This is used in Verity transforms to normalize state names. Note that a proper state name can use as many tokens as needed on separate lines in this file. Example lines:
//key value pairs for US state name normalizing. Each line is defined as pattern|replacement such as tex*|texas where the wildcard * can be used at front or back pattern|state alab*|Alabama *lask*|Alaska ariz*|Arizona ark*|Arkansas cal*|California colo*|Colorado con*|Connecticut del*|Delaware
lookup_3field_test.dat : a test data file for the Verity Lookup class and transform allowing exploring and debugging a complicated 3 field joint lookup value (i.e. field1_field2_field3), with each containing wildcard ( * ) as well as demarcated boolean operations (e.g. -and- , -not- ). See technical guide for more information. Example lines:
field1|field2|field3|value Med*-and-*ary*-and-*-1-not- Sum-not-*#*|BL*-and-*ue*-not-* paper|Me*-and-*ar*-and-*L-1-not-*care |REC0 Med*-and-*ary*-and-*-1-not- Sum-not-*#1*|BL*-and-*ue*-and-* paper-not-S*-not-*#|123*-and-*9A-not-*care |REC1 Med*-and-*ary*-and-*-1-not- Sum-not-*#0*|BL*-and-*ue*-and-* paper|123*-and-*9A-not-*care *|REC2 : Zip archive containing Jupyter notebook file and folders with the data from VerityPy and VerityDotNet to use in Jupyter. Note that you must install VerityPy into the Jupyter Python environment (using its terminal window) and also ensure all referenced modules are properly installed and available.
VerityPy_compare_DotNet.html and VerityPy_compare_Python.html : html output pages of the Jupyter Notebook report : Zip archive of a Visual Studio Code project with test methods and functional examples. Note you must install VerityPy into a .venv (not included in Zip) and ensure all references and dependencies are installed and referenced properly before this code will work. : Zip archive of a Visual Studio 2022 solution with test methods and functional examples. Note you must install VerityDotNet and ensure all references and dependencies are installed and referenced properly before this code will work.
VerityX products are not open source software and cannot be included in an open source project as its license will break the open source license. Read the full license file for more information.