I write this as the underlying simulation engine of my container yard simulator, with the goals of:
- Simple interfaces.
- Cython-ised for speed
So what is the one thing for a discrete event simulation? Making the events happen on right time and in right order. This is the only thing pesim
(I am definitely inspired by SimPy, and I like the way it uses generator and yield
statement to represent activities. However, for my projects, SimPy is too heavy and too slow. )
pip install pesim
Cython is needed if there is not a corresponding pre-built wheel
for the targeting platform.
See Documentation.
from pesim import Environment, Lock, TIME_PASSED
from random import uniform
def player(self, name: str, ball: Lock):
yield ball.acquire(self) # catch the ball
print(name, self.time) # ping!
yield self.time + uniform(5, 10), TIME_PASSED # let the ball fly
ball.release() # so others can catch
if __name__ == '__main__':
ball = Lock()
with Environment(stop_time=1000) as env:
env.process(player, "ping", ball, loop_forever=True)
env.process(player, "pong", ball, loop_forever=True)
Let's simulate the classical producer-consumer scenario. Suppose there are two producers and one consumer. Each producer repeatedly produces tasks for every 50-100s, while the consumer also takes 50-100s to process one task. Let's define the t_j
-th task produced by the p_i
-th producer as (p_i, t_j)
(both count from 0, for example (0,0)
is the first task produced by the first produce).
is a process-based discrete event simulation engine. The basic active components are modelled as processes (From now on, we use process to represent the process in simulation, and OS process to represent the processes in operation system). There are two ways to define a process:
- Transforming a generator function into a process; or
- Inheriting the
base class.
I will show the two ways, respectively. Before starting, let's first import some auxiliary functions and classes.
from collections import deque
from random import randint
We will use a deque()
list as the task queue, and use randint
to randomise task intervals and processing time.
The first way to define a process is using a generator function.
The consumer process can be defined as such:
from pesim import TIME_FOREVER, TIME_PASSED
class Reason(IntEnum):
TaskDone = auto()
NewTask = auto()
def consumer(self, task_queue):
while True:
while task_queue:
task = task_queue.popleft()
print("[{}]Consumer gets task: {}".format(self.time, task))
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), Reason.TaskDone
print("[{}]Consumer completes task: {}".format(self.time, task))
print("[{}]Consumer activated by reason {}".format(cur_time, reason))
The function takes two arguments. The first one is self
, which is compulsive and represents the simulation process (object of class Process
). The most important attribute of the self
is self.time
(of type float
), which is the current simulated time. All the processes in one simulation Environment (we will create the environment later) share the same time, while we can access it from any process's time
From second arguments, there are data that can be passed to the process by users. Here we pass in a task queue created by deque()
. To remain simple, pesim
itself does not provide any additional data structure to represent shared resources among different processes. All the processes will be executed in a single thread of a single OS process, so it will be safe to just use any suitable Python object to share information.
One can easily find that the function is actually a generator function, which periodically yield
s a 2-tuple. These yield
statements are the core to represent activities. So, when the process need to do something for a time period, it need to yield
the execution, and when the predefined amount of time is passed, the execution will be resumed. The first item in the tuple is a time, which is the process's supposed next activation time as a float
, and the second item is a reason as an int
. If the activity is completed as expected, the process will be "activated" again at the next activation time, and the reason is returned by the yield
The activity may also be interrupted externally with another reason. In this case, the process will be activated at an earlier time point, and the statement's returned value will tell the reason. Another usage of the reason is to order the events. That is, when multiple processes are supposed to be activated at the same time, the one yields the least reason will be awaken first. Here we define two reasons:
class Reason(IntEnum):
TaskDone = auto()
NewTask = auto()
Note that, this reason needn't to be exactly of int
type, any type that can be casted to int
can be used. As you can see, here we use the IntEnum
to assign values to the reasons automatically.
Knowing this, the line
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), Reason.TaskDone
is clear. It randomises a task processing time between 50s and 100s, and pauses the process until the task is completed. If everything is normal, when re-activated, the reason Reason.TaskDone
will be returned.
There is another yield
statement in the code:
There is also a pre-defined reason: TIME_PASSED
, which is an infinite number. The process yields with this reason will always be resumed last. Also, TIME_FOREVER
can be considered as an infinite time. So, when the task queue is emptied, this yield
statement will put the process into a forever sleeping, as the consumer does not know when the next task will arrive. But don't worry, this process can be activated externally by a producer later when a new task is created.
Finally, we need to put the code into an infinite loop, so the consumer can keep processing incoming tasks.
Then, the producer is defined as such:
def producer(self, idx, consumer, task_queue, num_task):
for _ in range(num_task):
task = idx, i
print("[{}]P{} creates task: {}".format(self.time, idx, task))
if consumer.next_activation_time() == TIME_FOREVER:
consumer.activate(self.time, Reason.NewTask)
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), Reason.NewTask
Except for the self
and task_queue
arguments, the producer process also takes an idx
argument as its index, the consumer process, and also the maximum number or tasks to be produced. The logic is simple, after creating a task and inserting it into the task queue, the line
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), Reason.NewTask
makes the process wait for a random time interval between 50s and 100s until it can create another task.
Besides, after creating the task and before the process being paused, the producer will check whether the consumer
's next activation time is TIME_FOREVER
. If so, it will externally activate the consumer with the reason Reason.NewTask
if consumer.next_activation_time() == TIME_FOREVER:
consumer.activate(self.time, Reason.NewTask)
(Later we will show another notification way using Synchronisation Primitives.)
Now, let's set up and start the simulation.
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pesim import Environment
env = Environment()
task_queue = deque()
c = env.process(consumer, task_queue)
for idx in range(2):
env.process(producer, idx, c, task_queue, 10)
To run the simulation, we need to create an Environment
instance, and then use Environment.process()
to transform the producer and consumer functions into process. After that, env.start()
starts the simulation, env.join()
runs the simulation until TIME_FOREVER
, and after that, env.finish()
dose some finishing and cleaning work.
If we do not want the simulation to be executed until TIME_FOREVER
, the env.join()
can be replaced with env.run_until(time)
. Also, the process needs not to be created before the Environment
instance is started. The following code shows another scenario: one producer and one consumer are started first, and then after 1 hour, another producer will join. Also, we don't want to simulate the scenario until forever; instead, we only simulate it for 24 hours.
env = Environment(start=True)
task_queue = deque()
c = env.process(consumer, task_queue)
p0 = env.process(producer, 0, c, task_queue, 100)
p1 = env.process(producer, 1, c, task_queue, 100)
env.run_until(24 * 3600)
The Environment
can also be used with the with
statement. It will start
when entering the context and join
automatically when exiting. The following code is equivalent to the code above.
with Environment() as env:
task_queue = deque()
c = env.process(consumer, task_queue)
p0 = env.process(producer, 0, c, task_queue, 100)
p1 = env.process(producer, 1, c, task_queue, 100)
A process can also been created by inheriting the Process
class. The above code implements same logics as we shown in last section, except that we now make task_queue
an attribute of Consumer
and create a new method submit
to push the task into the queue and check/activate the Consumer
from pesim import Process
class Consumer(Process):
def __init__(self, env):
self.task_queue = deque()
super(Consumer, self).__init__(env)
def submit(self, task):
if self.next_activation_time() == TIME_FOREVER:
self.activate(self.time, Reason.NewTask)
def _wait(self):
if self.task_queue:
return self.time, Reason.NewTask
return super(Consumer, self)._wait()
def _process(self):
task = self.task_queue.popleft()
print("[{}]Consumer gets task: {}".format(self.time, task))
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), Reason.TaskDone
print("[{}]Consumer completes task: {}".format(self.time, task))
class Producer(Process):
def __init__(self, env, idx, consumer, num_task):
self.idx = idx
self.consumer = consumer
self.num_task = num_task
super(Producer, self).__init__(env)
def __call__(self):
for i in range(self.num_task):
task = self.idx, i
print("[{}]P{} creates task: {}".format(self.time, self.idx, task))
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), Reason.NewTask
There are three methods _wait
, _process
and __call__
can be overloaded. If the __call__
is overloaded, the code inside will be executed as the process logic. On the other hand, the _wait
and _process
methods make creating processes that do repeated jobs easy. If __call__
is not overloaded, _process
will be executed for processing one task, which contains the yield
statements, and when _process
is finished, _wait
method is called to determine the next job's time, which is also a 2-tuple of time and reason. Similarly, _wait
can just return (TIME_FOREVER, TIME_PASSED)
to sleep forever and wait others to awake the process later (this is _wait
's default implementation).
In this example, use the following code to run the simulation.
with Environment() as env:
c = Consumer(env)
p0 = Producer(env, 0, c, 100)
p1 = Producer(env, 1, c, 100)
provides some basic synchronisation primitives including Lock
, Semaphore
, Condition
and RLock
(re-entrant lock). Note that, all the simulation processes' code are running within one thread, so there is no need to use these primitives to avoid data conflicts. Instead, these primitives are designed for coordinating different processes. For example, if one process wants to do something first, and then pass the task to another process, wait another process to do some other work on the task, and then continue the processing, using Condition
make the thing easy.
Let's slightly modify our producer-consumer example: now we want the producer to create a new task after its previous task is processed, instead of waiting for a random time interval.
To do so, we can create a Condition
for each task, and make the producer wait on that Condition
. Here is the code:
from pesim import Process, Condition
class Consumer(Process):
# __init__ and _wait as previous
def submit(self, task, condition):
self.task_queue.append((task, condition))
if self.next_activation_time() == TIME_FOREVER:
self.activate(self.time, Reason.NewTask)
def _process(self):
task, condition = self.task_queue.popleft()
print("[{}]Consumer gets task: {}".format(self.time, task))
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), Reason.TaskDone
condition.set(Reason.TaskDone) #reason is optional
print("[{}]Consumer completes task: {}".format(self.time, task))
class Producer(Process):
# __init__ as previous
def __call__(self):
for i in range(self.num_task):
task = self.idx, i
print("[{}]P{} creates task: {}".format(self.time, self.idx, task))
condition = Condition() #by default it is cleared
self.consumer.submit(task, condition)
yield condition.wait(self)
Now, the Consumer.submit()
takes arguments of not only a task, but also a Condition
object. Once the task is processed, the consumer will call Condition.set(reason)
on the corresponding condition.
On the producer side, after submit a task, the yield
statement is now
yield condition.wait()
Instead of pausing the producer process for a certain amount of time, now, this statement will pause the producer until the condition
is set. If the condition is already set, it will resume the process immediately. The Condition.wait()
needs one argument, which is the process that needs to be activated when the condition is set.
Now, let's make one step further. In our current implementation, when the task queue is emptied, the consumer will sleep forever, and it is producers' responsibility to check consumer's state and activate it now and them. This is not elegant at all. Instead, we can use a Semaphore
to do the coordination. Here is the code.
from pesim import Process, Condition, Semaphore
class Consumer(Process):
def __init__(self, env):
self.task_queue = deque()
self.sem = Semaphore(0)
super(Consumer, self).__init__(env)
def submit(self, task, condition):
self.task_queue.append((task, condition))
def _wait(self):
return self.sem.acquire(self)
def _process(self):
task, condition = self.task_queue.popleft()
print("[{}]Consumer gets task: {}".format(self.time, task))
yield self.time + randint(50, 100), REASON_TASK_DONE
print("[{}]Consumer completes task: {}".format(self.time, task))
class Producer(Process):
# __init__ as previous
def __call__(self):
for i in range(self.num_task):
task = self.idx, i
condition = Condition()
self.consumer.submit(task, condition)
print("[{}]P{} creates task: {}".format(self.time, self.idx, task))
yield condition.wait()
First, we add an attribute sem
of type Semaphore
to Consumer
. Every Semaphore
has an internal value, and two methods acquire()
and release()
are available. Whenever the Semaphore.release()
is called, the internal value will increased by 1. On the other hand, when Semaphore.acquire()
is called, there are two situations. If the internal value is equal or less than 0, the process will be paused, until the value because greater than 0. After that, the value will be decreased by 1 again. Otherwise, if the internal value is already greater than 0, it will directly decrease by 1 and does not pause the process.
In our code, we set the sem
with the initial value of 0. Whenever a task is submitted, sem.release()
is called, and before processing the task, in Consumer._wait()
, the consumer needs to acquire
the sem
first. In this way, the value of sem
is always the number of tasks in queue, and when the queue is empty, calling sem.acquire()
pauses the process until a new task is inserted.
There are also Lock
and RLock
(re-entrant lock) that can be used in other scenarios.
Above are all the functionalities provided by pesim