An exploration of the CGAL tools and functions
- Install CMake (via Installer)
- Install Visual Studio (via Installer)
- Install vcpkg (via command line)
- Either download the zip, or clone from github
- Install CGAL (via command line)
- Done totally via command line in the location of vcpkg’s root folder
- Install qt5 for CGAL (via command line)
- This is for visualising with the meshes
- For lighter weight install, can just install the qt5[CGAL] module and not the entire qt5
CMake only
- Create folder of project
- Create CMakeLists.txt file in root project folder
- Create .cpp file for codes
- Write codes in CMakeLists.txt to create a project and link CGAL and the required qt5 components to the project and executable
- Make a ‘Build’ directory for building
- Run ‘cmake-gui’ to configure the linking
- Includes linking the location of the vcpkg.cmake file (x86 or x64 installed version of CGAL)
- Run ‘cmake –build .’ to build the project and executable
- Copy .ply file into the built executable’s root directory
- This should be located deeper inside the ‘Build’ folder
- Run the executable
Visual Studio
- Create project option in Visual Studio
- Select to create a CMake project
- Create .cpp file for codes
- Write codes in CMakeLists.txt to create a project and link CGAL and the required qt5 components to the project and executable
- Edit the ‘CMakePresets.json’ file to include “"CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE": "\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake"” under “cacheVariables”
- Saving changes to the CMakeLists.txt causes Visual Studio to wipe the build directory and rebuild the executable and do the appropriate linking immediately
- Copy .ply file into the built executable’s root directory
- This should be located deeper inside the ‘Build’ folder
- Run the executable via pressing the run ‘Current Document’ button on the top bar in the correct x64 or x86 configuration
Each of the processes have a boolean that controls if the process is executed or not
- Downsampling
- skipDownSampling
- Outlier removal
- skipOutlierRemoval
- Surface Reconstruction
- skipSurfaceReconstruction
Drawing the mesh has two current methods, draw a SurfaceMesh type, or a Point_set. Adjust the outputs of the processes to these two types in the 'Draw the mesh' section accordingly