A simple maze navigation console application made in C# using informed and uninformed search methods on a 2D matrix. The program returns the shortest possible path and the directions taken to get from the initial state to the goal state.
- Depth-first search
- Breadth-first search
- Greedy Best-First search
- A-Star search
To change test cases, place files in: "MazeNavigation\bin\Debug". The formatting of the test cases can be seen below:
(7,0) | (10,3)
The first line represents the rows and columns of the NxM grid.
[5,11] // 5 rows, 11 columns
The second line represents the initial starting position on the grid.
The third line represents the goal states (destination we want to find).
(7,0) | (10,3)
All the lines below the goal states are wall configurations.
(2,0,2,2) // the square wall has the leftmost top corner occupies cell (2,0) and is 2 cells wide and 2 cell high