Set of tools for building sofware for running on Anyka AK3918 CPU based ip cameras.
The crosscompiler for Anyka is 32-bit (x86), so you need to enable support for 32-bit apps in your distro. For example, on Ubuntu 22:
sudo apt install libstdc++-i386
sudo apt install lib32stdc++6
sudo apt install libmpc-dev:i386
sudo apt install libz1:i386
sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
The last command makes a link to, because the cross-compiler is linked to its old version(4), which is no longer present in modern distros.
To compile all software, run ./, the compiled binaries and libraries will be placed into 'INSTALL' folder. To compile manually, run ./ followed by the necessary scripts. Don't forget the dependencies that need to be compiled first (e.g. to compile v4l2rtspserver you should run ./ first, and then run ./