2.10.0 Release
2.10.0 (2017-02-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve cases listing page #76
- When closing a task, close the associated tab as well #66
- Load the Current Cases View when Closing a Case #61
- Externalize observable analysis #53
- Changeable case owner #30
- Make release process easier #28
- Newly created case template not visible in NEW case until logout/login #26
Fixed bugs:
- Template Limit Bug #105
- Bug related case #97
- Case TLP should be set to AMBER by default #96
- User is not notified on MISP error #88
- Locked users cannot be assignee of cases #77
- Task descriptions from case templates are not applied #65
- Add an already exist observable returns an unexpected error #63
- Don't use deleted obserables to link cases #62
- Assign a default role to new users and remove the ability to assign empty roles #60
- Locked users are still able to log in #59
- MISP events counter is not refreshed #58
- Make sure to clear new task log editor #57
- Missing markdown editor in case close dialog #42
Closed issues:
- Update BuildGuide #102
- Feature Request - Add Case Statistics by Severity #70
- Use avatars in user profiles #69
- Allow (un)set observable as IOC from the observable's page #68
- Database schema update (v8) #67
- Add support for more filetypes to PE_info analyser #54
- Create an analyzer to get information about PE file #51
- PhishTank Analyzer #40
- OTX Analyzer #32
Merged pull requests: