Releases: Thierry46/pubsub
Releases · Thierry46/pubsub
Add priorities possibility for messages in pubsub
v0.4 : 20 dec. 2020 by Thierry Maillard (Thierry46)
- just warn when queue overflows when publishing in a channel
- implement PubSubPriority to register messages with priorities
- only support Python >= 3.6 but not Python 2
- improve quality metrics
- remove listen method in main PubSub communicator class
use ChanelQueue*.listen() instead.
- replace functool.partial use by ChanelQueue* class
Improve quality and add test cases
- v0.3:
- Improved explanation of parameter max_queue_in_a_channel with comments.
- Addition of a new test case with listeners and senders working in threads.
- Placement of test cases in a separate directory.
- Addition of new test cases to check possible usage problems.
- Restoration of original behaviour when a channel overflows.
- Correction of spelling mistakes.
V0.2 : Add class container and doc
- 0.2:
- Embbed original version written by Zhen Wang in a class to use it as an object in different file sources
- Add more comments
- Adapt unit tests written by Zhen Wang and add new ones
- Use pytest to run unit test