- To go to the backend repo click here
- To preview the website click here
email/username = admin
Password = notadmin
[X] Represent Done [ ] Represents yet not Done
[ ] Add Animation and make everything smooth
[x] re-do the UI Design and make everything more appealing and more responsive
[x] Fix every error ignored that wasnt affecting anything
[x] star review system
[X] The website is responsive
[X] Products routes
[X] Review section
[X] Add to cart
[X] Cart route
[X] Login and register routes
[X] authenticate the user and store token
[X] Implement local storage
[X] Dashboard section for admins to add products
[x] Add to favourite
[x] favourite route
[ ] Menu for mobile
[ ] filter and sort products
[X] The user who created the review can delete or edit the review
[X] show everthing in the dashboard: reviews, products and orders and settings
[X] Cestricted routes only accessible by the Admin
[X] Create Reviews model
[X] Create Products model
[X] Create Users model
[X] Create Order model
[X] Users can login and register
[X] Reviews are linked to products
[X] Users are linked to reviews
[X] The user who created the review can delete or edit the review
[X] Admin can add many or single products or add many or single reviews
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint