Formerly known as TF-MOTORSCALE
Test bench for measuring parameters and verification of propulsion system (propeller, motor, regulator) of unmanned drones especially TF-G2 autogyro.
sudo systemctl restart onboot
The computer which should display the measured data needs to have TFROSTOOLS installed.
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
git clone
source install/setup.bash
Then the data should be displayed in the PlotJuggler on the remote computer.
ros2 run plotjuggler plotjuggler
CAN translator should be connected by following command:
Then ROS node should be run by:
ros2 run tf_tools uavcan_motor_driver
ros2 run tf_tools gpsd
ros2 run tf_tools tfslot
ros2 run tf_tools uavcan_motor_driver