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Innopolis IR 2016 course semester project IR system part

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Innopolis Information Retrieval 2016 Semester Project

Project Structure

The project divided into 3 modules:

  • crawler - Wikipedia's articles crawler

  • core - main module which implements documents search system

  • web - google-like web interface for interacting with search system from core module

Modules description

crawler provides command-line interface (cli) for launching crawling process which asks for path to folder in which it will create subfolder documents and will be putting crawled documents into this subfolder.

core consist of 3 main parts (packages):

  • preprocessing - implementation of documents and queries normalization (tokenization, tokens lemmatization and word/numbers filtering). Based on Stanford Core-NLP library.

  • index - implementation of Vector Space Model for ranked retrieval. Contains 2 implementations of Vector Space Model indexes (both based on inverted index): InMemory (, which stores postings lists in main memory (RAM), and File-based (, which store postings lists of all terms in a single file. File-based is used by default, because it can handle arbitrary number of documents.

  • rest - simple REST service which coordinates normalization and indexing processes, and handle requests from user-interface for documents search. As well as web module, based on Scalatra framework for defining controllers and http server Jetty. Requires such command line arguments for launching:

    • path to folder, in which REST service will perform it's maintenance work:

      • periodically normalizing documents coming to documents subfolder and saving them into new_normalized_docs subfolder

      • periodically rebuilding search index when there is sufficient amount (provided as a command line argument) of new normalized documents in new_normalized_docs subfolder (moving them into indexed_docs subfolder before rebuilding to mark these documents as taken for processing), removing old index instance postings file and serializing new instance for fast future restart of service

    • delay for periodic checking for new documents to normalize them

    • delay for periodic checking for new normalized docs to rebuild index

    • minimal number of new normalized documents to start rebuilding index

Modules interaction

crawler and core modules interact in quite obvious way: launched as separate processes (crawler's cli and core's REST service) but provided with path to the same folder:

  • crawler puts new documents into documents subfolder

  • core periodically handles new documents from documents, normalizes them and from time to time builds new index with new documents provided by crawler

web and core, also launched as separate processes, interact in such way:

  • web accepts search queries from users and sends them to core's REST service

  • core uses the most fresh search index instance (if it exists) to perform search and returns top documents as answer to web's search request

  • web accepts result from core and shows it in user-friendly way to user

How to run

To run our system you need nothing more except Scala and SBT installed. All interactions with modules' functionalities will be performed using SBT.

  1. Choose some folder as working directory. Let's call path to it as <work_dir>.

  2. Open 3 separate instances of OS console inside project's folder.

  3. In 1st instance type sbt "project crawler" "run -o <work_dir> -t 2". It is a quickest way to launch crawler.

    You can also type sbt crawler/run to get parameters details:

    Usage: wikicrawler [options]
      -o, --out <value>       Working directory
      -t, --threads <value>   Number of working threads
      -i, --interval <value>  Console output interval (in seconds)
      -c, --count <value>     Sets how many documents to crawl
      --time <value>          Sets interval to save crawling state in seconds
  4. In 2nd instance of console type sbt "project core" "run <work_dir>". It will start core's REST service with <work_dir> as a maintenance folder. Wait until message similar to one below appears:

    INFO [org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server]: Started

    When starting core's REST service there are 5 possible scenarios:

    1. There is a file last_index.obj which contains serialized last created instance of search index =>

      Last created instance will be deserialized and applied for service start. Important note: it is assumed, that if there is such last_index.obj, then there should exists corresponding postings lists file (name starts with "index_postings_file_") and indexed_docs should contain all indexed docs. I.e. you must not change "index_postings_file_" nor indexed_docs. If you changed any of them, you should remove last_index.obj.

    2. There is no last_index.obj but indexed_docs folder is not empty =>

      Index will be built using all documents from indexed_docs and serialized.

    3. There is no last_index.obj, indexed_docs is empty or doesn't exists but new_normalized_docs is not empty =>

      All normalized documents from new_normalized_docs will be moved to indexed_docs, and index will be built using documents from indexed_docs and serialized.

    4. There is no last_index.obj, indexed_docs is empty or doesn't exist, new_normalized_docs is empty or doesn't exist, but documents folder not empty =>

      All documents from documents will be normalized, moved to indexed_docs, and index will be built using documents from indexed_docs and serialized.

    5. There is no last_index.obj; documents, new_normalized_docs and indexed_docs are empty or don't exists =>

      Index will not be created. REST service will start, but search will return empty result until some documents appear in document folder. While index is not created, for each query you will see message:

      WARN [Documents search queries handler]: No index exists at the moment. Returning empty result...

    After some starting scenario is done, 2 periodic tasks will be configured:

    • [Docs Normalization Task] monitors documents folder with <norm_delay> (all parameters are described below) delay for new documents to normalize them and save normalized versions in new_normalized_docs folder

    • [Index Rebuilding Task] monitors new_normalized_docs folder with <index_delay> delay and if there are at least <min_to_rebuild> documents:

      1. moves all doc files from new_normalized_docs to indexed_docs to mark them as processed

      2. builds new instance of index parsing documents from indexed_docs in single pass

      3. serializes new index to file last_index.obj for fast future

      4. replaces old instance with new in thread-safe manner

      5. removes old index instance postings file when all queries working at the moment with old instance are done

    Important note: old instance of search index works until new one is built

    Here is a description of core's REST service parameters which you can get by typing sbt core/run:

    Usage: coreRestService [options] <working_dir>
      <working_dir>            Path to the working folder of Search System. 
      -n, --norm_delay <value>
                               New documents normalization delay in format `<length><unit>` with <unit> one of: 'd' - days, 'h' - hours, 'min' - minutes, 's' - seconds, 'ms' - milliseconds. Default - '3s'
      -i, --index_delay <value>
                               Delay of checking for new normalized docs to rebuild index. Format is same as for 'norm_delay', but the minimal unit is 's' - seconds. Default - '15s'
      -m, --min_to_rebuild <value>
                               Minimal number of new normalized documents for rebuilding index. Default - 1000.
      -t, --norming_threads <value>
                               Number of threads to use for documents normalization. Default - number of your computer's cores divided by 2.
  5. In 3rd instance of console type sbt. It will start SBT's console. Then type web/jetty:start. It will start web-interface server.

  6. Go to http://localhost:8080

  7. Type your search query (e.g. Information retrieval)

    Important note: it is advised to type proposed query to test whether search works, because crawling starts from article Information Retrieval and it will take some time to crawl, normalize and index big number of documents for the 1st launch of the system. So, if index is built, it will surely contain something regarding Information Retrieval.

  8. Enjoy our search system :)


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